For Bi Week – A Bisexual Primer

bisexual flag - pixabay

Do you know why there’s sometimes a plus sign after the words bi or bisexual? Do you know what “bi erasure” is?

This week is Bisexual+ Awareness Week, also known as BiWeek for short. BiWeek was co-founded by the LGBTQ media organization GLAAD and the bisexual+ advocacy group BiNet USA to help educate and build awareness about bi people.

Some of the language when it comes to the B in LGBTQ might seem a little confusing, but fear not! The folks at GLAAD have prepared a quick refresher on some common terms.


A person who has the capacity to form enduring physical, romantic, and/ or emotional attractions to those of the same gender or to those of another gender. People may experience their attractions in differing ways and degrees over their lifetime. Some bi+ people are attracted to people of all genders equally. Others may have attractions that are predominantly towards one gender over others.

Full Story at LGBTQ Nation

This article was originally posted on Queer SF

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