You Want Original Recipe or Extra CRISPR Baby? Multiple responses and speculation following the announcement of the advent of Chinese CRISPR Babies. (The race is on: Kahn Noonien Singh is on the drawing board): Chinese Scientists Condemn Crispy Babies (General Tso’s Chicken still Better); Science Summit Denounces intro of crispy babies (wants McRib back); Science Journal asks “what’s the point?” (of crispy babies. We already have chickens); NIH Head Says “Epic Failure” (prefers original recipe)
Rudolph’s Lament: The World of the North Pole Closely Resembles “Modern” America
Evolution Education Still Evolving
THIS is Why I Refuse to Watch Comet TV
John Picacio Unveils the Final La Musica Drawing
LA Times Does a BIG Number on Scalzi (so big we can barely hear the pipsqueaks of outrage from elsewhere)
Robert Heinlein’s Congressional Testimony on the Benefits of Space Tech (via Robert Christenson)
Songs and more about time dilation (Raise your hands: who among you realized Queen’s ’39 was a time dilation song when you first heard it?)
Star Trek Easter Egg in Fallout 76
No Man’s Sky Update: Now With More Sci-Fi
Chim-chiminey-chim-chim-cherrie: Julie Andrews VO in Aquaman
Review of Chabon’s Short Trek Episode
SyFy to Premiere Nightflyers, based on GRRM Novel
Future is Female Anthology Picking Up Some Traction
Silverbob responds to accusations of racism and sexism
Boskone 2019 Announces Their Program Participants (look closely under the “Ds”)
Help Pay for Lunacon Artshow Equipment (It’s used by a host of east coast cons)
Dave Langford’s Don’t Try This At Home – Selected Con Reports is now free for download
ASU Prof Pens Book About Morality and Ethics in SF Film
Fantasy Helps Us Understand the World (well, I get it, but a dose of reality, for a really long time, might help more. See the piece on teaching evolution)
David Ritter, Working With First Fandom, is looking for fanzine scans. See the list below the gift guide
Bugs Mr. Rico! We Can’t Find Zillions of ’em! Insect Populations are Declining Worldwide
Scientists Suggest Dimming the Sun to Cure Global Warming While you’re there, check out that Afrofuturist Abolitionist page
Physicists Finally “Observe” the Proton’s Mass, so it must be real
Elon Going to the Moon, and, maybe, later, Mars
Folding, Extensible Screens Not Just a Movie Thing Anymore
Genrephiles can’t go wrong with Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments (hey, I hang them on my Menorah! Got pictures to prove it!) “Sci Fi” Collection Film & TV Collection
Montgomery Scott Blended Scotch Whiskey
IO9 Offers Gift Suggestions for different species of fan
Amazing Stories offers magazine subscriptions, anthologies, cover posters, coffee mugs and T–shirts
Dear First Fandom and Friends of First Fandom:
Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man of… well, not wealth and taste, but hopefully of some interest to this amazing community.
My name is David Ritter and I’m honored to be a friend and associate of John Coker. I’ve been a fan and collector of early Science Fiction and Fantasy for many years. Most recently, I’ve developed a very keen interest in the history of fandom in the late 1920s through the end of the 1930s. I know that this period has been documented in some detail in several books and many articles, including the seminal work that John has authored and edited.
Based on conversations with quite a few people with similar interests, we believe that there’s an opportunity to take the preservation of early fandom to another level and to tell the story in a more
comprehensive way.
In particular, we’d like to more thoroughly capture the fan publications, conference material, correspondence and other ephemera – preserve it permanently in high-quality digital form – and
republish selected parts of the relevant zines in facsimile form. The goal would be to give interested subscribers a sense of what it would have been like to be a fan in these early days, where each day’s mail might bring a new and exciting magazine or fan pub or letter from a fellow enthusiast.
In this effort we give all due credit to the many folks who have tackled this topic before, including (but not limited to) Joe and Edie’s wonderful Fanac archive, Jim Emerson’s “Futures Past,” and the folks who manage and maintain isfdb. We’re investing significant time and some considerable expense to assemble as complete a set of relevant material as possible. To complete the picture, we’re still looking for a select set of fanzine issues that we believe were among the most important and defining during these decades.
We would deeply appreciate the First Fandom community’s help in identifying where high-resolution digital scans of these issues might be acquired. If you have or know the whereabouts of copies in reasonable condition, I’m willing to compensate for the cost of professional scanning. If you’re aware of someone who would be willing to sell copies of any of these issues, I’d be an interested buyer. In exchange for contributions of material, we’ll make available early editions of the published history and facsimiles, which we expect will begin to appear in the second half of 2019. We expect the digital archive to be made publicly available after the initial print editions have been produced.
Kind regards and thank you in advance for your help and advice,
David Ritter (email David)
The list of material we’re seeking follows on the next page.
Want list (Roman numerals in (parens) refer to the listing in the Pavlat-Evans fanzine index)
Starting year
1930 The Comet / Cosmology (I) Any issues from 1930 or 1931
The Asteroid (I) (Bay Street Science Club) Any issues
1931 Science Fiction News Any issues from 1931 – November 1935
The Meteor (I) (Ackerman, Nicholson) Any issues
Any material related to the release of the movie
1932 The Planet #2
Science Fiction (Seigel & Schuster) #5
The Planetoid (II) (Tucker) Any issues
Any material related to the release of the movie King
1934 International Science Fiction Guild’s Bulletin Any so titled
Bulletin of the Terrestrial Fantascience Guild Any so titled
International Observer v1 #1, 2, 6
1935 Imaginative Fiction Any issues
The Planeteer v1 #1, 2, 3, 5
The 14 Leaflet v1 #1, #3, #4, #5, #8
1936 The Science Fiction Fan v1 #9-12; v2 #1-9
Novae Terrae v1 #1
Phantagraph v4 #5, v5 #1, 3
Any material related to the first EasternCon
1937 Supramundane Stories v1 #1
Imagination! v1 #1
Solor v1 #2, 6, v2 #3, 4
Any material related to the second or third
1938 Incredible v1 #1
New Fandom v1 #2, 3, 4
Science Fiction News Letter v2 #12-13, v3 #21
1939 Any material related to the 1939 WorldCon
New Worlds (successor to Novae Terrae) #2 – 4
Also, any obscure or one-off fanzines or related ephemera and correspondence from the 1930s
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