AMAZING NEWS 7-22-2018

Special Note:  This week’s news roundup contains items for both last week’s news and this week’s news; some items my be slightly dated.

AMAZING NEWS with curations by Contributing News Editor Ruby Kapture.


What Are They Teaching Our Kids? (Hope this is really a joke)

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman Visits Children’s Hospital

More Anti-semitism...and yet more Fascism

More Cell Phone Harassment of Black People

Republican Majority in House Votes to allow taxpayer-funded adoption agencies to deny services to LGBTQ families

N. de Grasse Tyson Handles Atheism Question


Wonder Woman 84 Clip

Retro Review of Operation Stardust

Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer

B&N:  This Week’s Releases


Shuri Gets Her Own Comic

SDCC Cosplay

MST3K Creates Bizarre Comic

Joker Flick Gets Release Date

He-Man & Skeletor – Dirty Dancing

Funko is King of Comiccon

If Disney Acquires Fox…


Batman Hush Gets a Movie

Aquaman Trailer


How To Answer Sexist Leading Questions

A Profile of Author Ottessa Moshfegh

Letter from Harlan

Liz Hand Announced as Boskone Guest

New Releases  Zion’s Fiction.  Anthology of Israeli SF (via Joe Zitt)

New Releases: Lerner’s Interstellar Net Bundle

Fictionmags Members at Readercon (via File 770)

Writer’s Digest’s Virtual Writing Classes

Informal FB Survey:  Men, Do You Hesitate to Read Female Authors?

Ryk Spoor Wins N3F Award for Bestt Novel

AV Club Short Video History of SF – Kinda Right

GotG Director Gunn Fired over TweetsDrax Not Happy About This

The Sunspot Jungle at NYRSFR

SFWA July Market Report


Chicken Little – Almost on Your Table

Feline Tremor Detectors

Large Sacrophogus Unearthed

Jupiter Has TEN New Moons

Longest Blood Moon Won’t Be VIsible From NA

Introducing the FERMI High Energy Scope

Spiders On Mars!

APOD:  Luna & Venus

Gravity Wave Detection

Trappist-1 Planets May Be Getting Fried by Their Sun

Inside the Cosmodrome

Mars Completed Covered by Dust Storm

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