We’re now a bit under 90 days out from the opening of Worldcon76, THE place to be if you want to be among the first fans to read the debut issue of Amazing Stories!
Our Latest Updates:
Production has been secured.
Kermit is receiving both drafts and finals of artwork
Ira is busily editing the last few stories to come in
Most of the non-fiction pieces have been completed (including the Publisher’s Note)
Final interior layout is being reviewed – we’re still considering several different possibilities
We’re eagerly watching Worldcon76’s progress reports and information on attendance in order to finalize the number of copies in the print run.
We are receiving a steady stream of subscription sign-ups (nice!)
We probably have enough stories approved for going on two more issues.
Our goal is to “blow your socks off” and from what we’re seeing, it might be best to wear sandals to the con!
We are also accepting advertising at special DISCOUNTED Worldcon Special rates; our ads are reproduced in BOTH the print and electronic editions and certain ad committments also receive free complimentary ads on the website. Email Steve for rates.
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