UPDATE: 3/13/2018
We’ve Cracked $7000 in pledges!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 14th, we will begin revealing some of the content we have lined up –
Beginning this Wednesday, March 14, we’re going to start dishing out the details.
We’ll be revealing some of the absolutely fantastic, surprising, and definitely worth-waiting-to-hear-about content we’ve lined up for our first issue.
But also,
BIG Names
GREAT Stories
(BIG BIG Names)
We’re going to start letting you behind the scenes and will start telling you about our plans. So, stay tuned, support the Kickstarter and join our countdown to our the first new print issue!
To visit the campaign, please go here.
UPDATE: 3/12/18
Well, we were hoping to pass $7,000.00 over the weekend, and we came mighty close $6,938.00, and 163 backers as of this morning, with a whopping 26 days to go.
Later on this week, we’re going to be revealing some of the content we’ve acquired for the first issue. We think you’re going to be really excited to see who and what we’ve lined up.
UPDATEl 3/10/18:
For the next several weeks as the Kickstarter Campaign runs, instead of publishing editorials, I’ll be updating you all on the campaign.
First: Boy Howdy! and Hallelujah! Our initial reception and success is probably the biggest Egoboost I’ve ever gotten from Fandom. I’ve gotten my fair share of egoboo over the years – being asked back to a con because my work was appreciated, being told I ran a good panel, having big-name fans, authors, artists seeking me out, getting a good response to a LOC*, seeing my pieces in print, but nothing has come close to this. It’s a fine feeling and I really have to thank you all (and especially staff and contributors) for that.
Next: the Kickstarter continues apace. three-four days in and we’re approaching the $7,000 mark and close to 150 backers. The iniitial response was fantastic – we had our first pledge inside of five minutes of going live.
On the other hand, we’re beginning to enter a bit of a slow-down. This is typical for crowd-funding efforts, a pause between the contributions of those who closely follow things and waiting for the outreach to get to others. We’re prepared for this. Very soon we’re going to start ‘leaking’ some juicy information about the contents of our first issue and we expect – no, we KNOW, that this information is going to excite a whole new swath of readers and fans (not to mention those who are already supporting us).
We’ve had a few glitches of the “well, WE covered all the bases but looks like someone else didn’t” variety. When the campaign is over, I’ll have a few words to say about this. For now, suffice it to say that it seems that Murphy has decided to take a special interest in us. Among other things, we learned that our email promotions might not be readable by some, this, despite our receiving test mailings and other double-checks that indicated everything was copacetic. In keeping with our space launch theme, this is the equivalent of a system failure taking place at the same time that the telemetry decides to lie; there’s a problem, but the feedback system isn’t working right.
We’ve taken corrective measures, but if you’ve received emails from us that have a headline and nothing else, please let us know.
Thanks to on-going contributions, we’re adding rewards and extending some already existing ones. Check back on the site to see if a reward you’re looking for has been added or extended.
We’ve received notices and support from all over the world – China, Korea, Mexico, UK, France, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Finland…Amazing Stories is truly a global phenomena!
AND the submission requests! We’re not yet open to outside submissions, but we will need to be fairly soon. ALL of your enquiries regarding submissions are being forwarded to Ira, who is using them to build up a bank for future issues.
Thanks everyone! This is going to be a great ride!
As of 9:00 am est, 3/9/18, the Kickstarter has been running for a little over two days.
During that time, we have gained 113 Backers (you folks are FANTASTIC!) and nearly $5,500 of a $30,000 goal.
We added a day to the overall campaign (31 days instead of 30) because our earlier hiccup paid hell to our promotional plans. The official PR went out a day after the campaign actually began.
And, we just learned this morning that our mass emails went out with potential HTML issues that may result in recipients receiving an email that has the headline for the PR and nothing else but a “gray bar”, despite tests displaying the entire PR properly.
We’ll be re-issuing the promotional emails later today; sorry for the duplication, but we’re pretty sure you’d like to read the email.
The road to the future is fraught with peril, but good, stalwart people see it through to the end!
Thanks again, everybody!
You can visit our Kikckstarter Campaign here.
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