As always, I will be putting in an appearance at Boskone 55 this coming February.

I’ve been scheduled for four panels this time around, and I’ll be doing a reading at the Flash Fiction Read Off.

Boskone program people offered the following to pass along to you all:

Join me at Boskone (February 16-18, 2018) in Boston, MA for New England’s longest running science fiction and fantasy convention. It’s going to be a fun weekend filled with discussions of books, film, art, music, games, and more. For more information about Boskone, visit The Boskone Blog, Twitter, and Facebook as well as by going to the Boskone website to register at

If that’s not enough of a come-on, perhaps the subjects of my panels will be:

The 10 Books That Made Me a Fan

16 Feb 2018, Friday 16:00 – 17:00, Marina 4 (Westin)There are books that interest us, books that inspire us, and books that stimulate us to read more! Our panelists share the books that made them fans and kept them reading. What’s so special about these works? with Steve Davidson (M), Tony Lewis FN, Kenneth Rogers Jr., Genny Dazzo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

The Orville vs. Discovery

17 Feb 2018, Saturday 14:00 – 15:00, Marina 1 (Westin)Each show has a vociferous fan base. Why do so few people like both? Is Star Trek: Discovery the heir to Deep Space Nine, or an abandonment of what makes Trek, Trek? Is The Orville an enjoyable homage to the Star Trek universe, or an expensive excuse for Seth MacFarlane to cosplay James T. Kirk? (Or all of the above?) And what can we expect from these shows going forward? with Timothy Liebe, Christine Taylor-Butler, Suzanne Reynolds-Alpert (M), Robert Howard, Steve Davidson

How to Get Rejected Redux

17 Feb 2018, Saturday 17:00 – 18:00, Marina 2 (Westin)Last year, our panelists provided a down-and-dirty look at the best ways to get your manuscript tossed into a publisher’s round file. We traded a few stories and had a few laughs. Surely, there are even more ways to get roundly rejected by agents, editors, and publishers! with Steve Davidson (M), Kate Baker, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Ginjer Buchanan, John R. Douglas

Fan Power and TV

18 Feb 2018, Sunday 14:00 – 15:00, Marina 3 (Westin)When fans band together, it can be a powerful thing. After Sense8 was canceled, the internet exploded with plaudits, protests, and petitions. Result: the network added a special 2-hour series finale. Let’s discuss the keys to successful fan-led revivals of television shows. What makes them successful? How do we let the networks know what we want, and that we mean business? with Janice Gelb, Genny Dazzo, Suford Lewis FN (M), Steve Davidson, Flourish Klink

I think I’ll throw the “ten books” panelists a curve ball and forbid them mentioning Robert Heinlein, Andre Norton, David French, Madeline L’Engle or the Winston Book series…

Someone better bring a gag for that Orville vs Discovery panel, as we’re probably going to need it for someone.

How to get rejected?  Easy!  Publicly attack the entity you will be submitting to and then submit.  Under the same name.  Include criticism in your cover letter too.

Fan Power and TV?  Can anyone say…no, not gonna say those three letters.

It should be a fun con this year (it always is);  I’ll also be running a fan table for the 2019 NASFiC bid on Utah, so plenty of chances to hook up.  Stop on in!

And check out my mini-interview over on the Boskone Blog

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