Comic Review: Ian Livingstone’s Freeway Fighter

It’s not a game. This time, it’s a comic.

Following the weekend’s exciting celebration of Free Comic Book Day, its only appropriate to mention the exciting return to that popular world of Fighting Fantasy once presented in the role-playing gamebooks from Puffin Books in the early 1980’s. The cult classic Freeway Fighter originally created by Ian Livingstone makes a spectacular comeback in comic book form from Titan Comics as it roars into your favorite comic book stores on May 17, 2017.

Issue #1 (of 4).

“An unknown virus has wiped out over 85% of the world’s human population. Former I-400 Driver Bella De La Rosa is one of the 15% – living every day as if it were her last. Now, eighteen months after the collapse of civilization, faced with a new world order where violence and chaos rule the Freeway, she must hone her racing skills and survive any way she can!”

In a story created and written by Andi Ewington (Blue Spear, Just Cause 3: World on Fire, Red Dog) with “pencil and ink” from Simon Coleby (2000 AD, The Authority, The Punisher) and colors by Len O’Grady (2000 AD, Judge Dredd) and lettering by Jim Campbell (Grimm Fairy Tales, Wonderland, Charmed), co-executive producer Ian Livingstone (with Matt Mastracci) lends his creative hand to a piece of work where readers will find 32 pages of long awaited mayhem and carnage. All of these contributors are well acclaimed in their own rights, and together, the results are a rousing success. A bargain at the standard $3.99 price tag.

Reminiscent of the Mad Max stories, this comic is dark, fast paced, and as visually gory as it is stunning. The character Bella De La Rosa is not your archetypical post-apocalyptic hero. Her seemingly loner vulnerability mixed with a knack for survivability in a world gone wrong will leave readers on the edge of their seats.

The stunning graphics and attention to detail will bring comfort to fans of the original series and welcome newcomers who are bound to be hooked in the first few pages. With only 4 issues planned for this storyline, Freeway Fighter should be a fun quick ride. So buckle-up and hang on tight, it’s going to get bumpy.

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