AMAZING NEWS: 8/28/2016


RPGNet #67; Omni Newsletter


Right Wing Activists Fail to Ruin the Hugos (again)

2016 Hugo Winners

Hugo Awards Recognize Women

MRK – ‘Happy to be suspended’

Truesdale – ‘Happy to have recorded’  (and More Pearl Clutching…and More

Underwood – Happy Happy Happy

Silverberg Makes People Laugh Once Again

Authors of Color Win BIg

Hugos Celebrate Diverse Authors

Hugos Celebrate…

Nimoy is, and always will be, Spock

Satchmo Endorses

Chinese Rover

There goes ‘Delaware’, floating down the Delaware….

Re-reading the Seismograph

My Flying Butt Was Pounded In the….

Flaming Cos-Players

From a Snowflake 

Dave Creek is On the Shelf

On Conservative (SF) Sensitivities

Big Data Destroys Free Will (or – “you have received this package today because our system has determined that these are the purchases you will be making over the next 30 days.  A suitable sum has been debited from your account.”)

Acks Aces the Hugo Award Explanatory…and Nicholas offers some Detail


RPGnet Newsletter #67
August 23, 2016

New Columns

RPGnet made up for last week’s light week in the Column department with a veritable flood this week:

Christopher Cecil, as always, offered up his newest Fuzzy Thinking: “Why Villains Hate Hero Points.”

Jonathan Hicks made some more Observations From A Gamer’s Chair, this time examining “Fun in Games.”

Sandy Antunes clambered back atop Sandy’s Soapbox to opine on “Olympic NPC Tales.”

And, Fred Furtado planted some Superseeds, with Part One of a series hoping to grow a superhero setting based around “The Trophy Room.”

New Reviews

Antonios S kicked the week off with a look at what he calls one of the best campaigns ever devised for Call of Cthulhu, or any RPG overall for that matter: “The Curse Of Nineveh / The Journal Of Reginald Campbell Thompson / The Journal Of Neve Selcibuc.”

Viktyr Gehrig reviewed “Barbarians of Lemuria Mythic Edition,” another refinement and expansion of the spectacular Barbarians of Lemuria rules.

Antonios S then continued his look at all of the factions of miniature’s game Guild Ball with reviews of the supplements for the “Mason’s Guild” and the “Engineer’s Guild.”

Andrew Peregrine checked out “The World of Smog: On Her Majesty’s Service,” a great looking Victorian Steampunk game board game with an intricate but still straight forward game play.

Lev Lafayette then rounded the week off with reviews of two classic superhero RPGs: “Villains and Vigilantes” and “Marvel Super Heroes.”

Threads You Might Have Missed

For some interesting meditations on both a particular fictional hero and the nature of fictional characters in general, check out: “If Bruce Wayne had lost his fortune along with his family, would he still have become Batman?”

To help add some verisimilitude to your historical game, check out “Medieval City – Scale, time, travel, etc.”

An interesting question popped up in Tabletop Roleplaying Game Design last week: “Do i need initiative?” The thread has some great thoughts from your fellow RPGnetters on initiative mechanics and why they may or may not be as important as you think.

Sign Off

Have a good week, everyone.

  • Iustum
    Newsletter Editor

This newsletter is also available as a column or via RSS.





Love Toys of the Gods
by Pat Cadigan
Jimmy-Ray Carver said he’d been taken aboard a UFO, telepathically
probed and then sexually stimulated by the alien. He couldn’t stop
thinking about it, not only because it was kind of surprising, but because it was the best sex he’d ever had.
The weirdest thing was, all his friends believed him.


Weekend Reads in Magical Realism

The Girl Detective
by Kelly Link
The girl detective looked at her reflection in the mirror. This was a different girl. This was a girl who would chew gum 

Queen of Angels
by Kathe Koja
Deborah was burning out. Years spent caring for people in comas, suffering terminal illnesses, lost in dementia. Then she got a glimpse of the miraculous

 Night Visions 
by Keith Harary
The ancient art of incubating and controlling your dreams



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