Rob Dircks51XpKiPAzwL: The Wrong Unit

I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HUMANS ARE SO CRANKY ABOUT. Their enclosures are large, they ingest over a thousand calories per day, and they’re allowed to mate. Plus, they have me. An Autonomous Servile Unit, housed in a mobile/bipedal chassis. I do my job well: keep the humans healthy and happy.
“Hey you.”
Heyoo. That’s my name, I suppose. It’s easier for the humans to remember than 413s98-itr8. I guess I’ve gotten used to it.
Rob Dircks, bestselling author of Where the Hell is Tesla?, has a “unit” with a problem: how to deliver his package, out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing to guide him. Oh, and with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. It’s a science fiction tale of technology gone haywire, unlikely heroes, and the nature of humanity. (Woah. That last part sounds deep. Don’t worry, it’s not.)

Jacket blurbs (these aren’t famous people, but real people leaving real advance reviews on Amazon):

“★★★★★ The Wrong Unit is the right story for today… it reacquaints us with our human ingenuity and shortcomings, our deepest longings, and, most notably, our great capacity to love.”

“★★★★★ LOVED this future tale of technology run amok, relationships, and challenging the definition of “human.” This book really hit home as the definition of “father”, “family” and “love” really has you thinking. Don’t want to give too much away, but it’s a great read and would suggest it to anyone looking for a solid scifi tale with a real story and characters you care about.”

“★★★★★ FUNNY. HUMAN. A GREAT RIDE! The Wrong Unit is a fun and twist-turning journey that keeps you on the edge of your seat.”

“★★★★★ I’m such a fan of this book that I’m going to recommend it for next month’s Book Club pick!”

“★★★★★ OUTSTANDING!! With The Wrong Unit, Rob Dircks has established himself with this potentially prophetic view into humanity’s future and the consequences of our growing reliability on and appetite for technology.”

“★★★★★ The Wrong Unit is such a great ride!! The pace is fast, the dialogue is smart and sarcastic and witty. The sci-fi world created by Dircks is new, imaginative, and so original. No easy feat! I loved the main characters Heyoo and Wah. Laugh out loud funny and sure, I’ll admit, I got a little weepy at some spots. Highly recommended!”

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