Special note: if it weren’t a leap year, tomorrow would be March.

PRESS RELEASES & NEWSLETTERS (See full text below)

Pro Se Press; Geeks Out; RPGNet Newsletter #43


Nationwide TV Tune Out of the Oscars TONIGHT!

Hollywood is Still a White Boy’s Club

Our Children’s Books are Problematic

Race is not Genetic

Zoe Quinn Drops Suit:  Asking for Help Put Her in More Danger

Cartoonist’s Org Nominates All Male Finalists

Mark Oshiro on ConQuesT45 (Trigger Warning)…Jesi Pershing Steps Down Because – see previous)


Baby Groot!

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope returned to original version by fans 

Re-Entry Issues

SF & F Novels Being Developed for Film

Betty White Is Such A Potty Mouth!

THIS Is Why the Robots Will Kill Us All

The Last Time Spock Wore His Ears

Space Travel Posters (via Mary Blake)

Star Wars Pool Toys?

It’s Richonne!

Moon Trees!  (via Michael J. Walsh)

Another Star Trek Fan Film…and the court filing for Paramount vs Axanarplus analysisand more

Jonathan Frakes Will be Star Lord’s Dad – in the cartoon


As Always a New Entertainment Medium Turns to SF

Con Or Bust

Robert J. Sawyer:  are the days of the full time novelist numbered?

…and Quantum Night released

Indie Authors Launch New Imprint

Notes on Marketing & Promoting Conventions

Human Space Flight as Religion

Looking Back on Genre History (Sturgis on StarShipSofa)

Chris Offut on His Book About His Dad


Environmentally Friendly Burials

Al Was Right:  Wave to Gravity Everyone

Lerner on Einstein

Through  a Lens Darkly:  Dust Clouds No Longer Hide the Sky

Science Teachers Not Up on Climate Science

Iceberg Kills Penguins

New Eye in the Sky (via Gregory Benford)

‘it turned inside out…and then it exploded!’:  NASA Replicator Challenge

Promising New Cancer Therapy

Virgin Galactic Back on Track

Ground Based Lasers Could Get Us To Mars in 3 Days!  (no, it won’t)

Most Detailed MilkyWay Map Evah!

Mars Map for Tourists


With the recent release of HC Playa’s BETRAYALS, Pro Se Productions would like to celebrate the latest volume in the CROSSROADS OF FATE series by offering the first volume in the series-DAUGHTER OF DESTINY- as a FREE digital download for Three Days!

pro se
Go to and enter the code ST53U to get DAUGHTER OF DESTINY for free! And remember, BETRAYALS is now available in Print and Digital Format at Amazon and other outlets!

Copyright © 2016 Pro Se Productions, All rights reserved.
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There has never been a better time to head on over to GeeksOUT and see what our faithful contributors are cooking up!
This month continued to deliver favorites like the GeeksOUT PodcastCosPlay CornerScarlet Betch and articles about your favorite comic characters (like Patsy Walker a.k.a. Marvel’s New Gay IconThe Other Side of Heroes: Trans, or Faith: A Plus-Size Hero that Makes My Heart Swoon) and TV shows (I Marathoned iZombie…and Shadowhunters Review) while branching out into new and exciting areas.

We debuted our brand new sex and relationship column, Ask Professor SeX, a tongue-in-cheek look at some serious issues. Email your questions (real or fictional) to for a chance to have it answered by our experts.

We continue to honor our beloved heroes who pass on with touching memorials for Alan Rickman and David Bowie.

Finally, we made our presence known in two exciting ways: first, in a collaborative effort with Mike Diamond and Ms. Matinga on their popular Youtube show Homewerq, and then in an Interview with Jamie McKelvie and Keiron Gillen (creators of some of our favorite series, including The Wicked + The Divine, Phonogram, and Young Avengers).

So, don’t miss out on a single post!

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RPGnet Newsletter #43
February 23, 2016


We start the week off on a sad note: long-time RPGnetter (and former moderator) Brian Newman, RPGnet username Blackberry, passed away the week before last. You can find threads celebrating his life and participation on the site here and here. Please take a moment and share any thoughts or rememberances that you have of Blackberry; he was a pillar of the community on the site for many years, and the community should remember him.

With that, let’s move on to our regular content.

New Columns

Christopher Cecil started the week of with a new Fuzzy Thinking: “I Can Not Tell a Lie. It’s a Ticking Atomic Bomb.”

In addition, Jonathan Hicks was back with the tenth issue of Observations From A Gamer’s Chair: “On Location.” This week, Jonathan tackles the issue of when and whether to change where you and your group play.

New Reviews

RPGnet published a bunch of great new game reviews last week:

RPGnet also added a bunch of Accessory reviews from prolific reviewer Antonios S:

Threads You Might Have Missed

You may have noticed over the past few weeks that RPGnetter and former submariner Ghoti has been working his way through reviews of various submarine-centric movies. He was back again this week with another great review thread: “A submariner watches ‘Hunt for the Red October.'”

Also in Other Media, RPGnetter awesomeocalypse poses a question that is tougher to answer than it might appear at first blush: “Would superstrength be that useful a power?”

On the flip side, RPGnetter King Snarf posed an incredibly easy question: “Is the Batman: The Brave & The Bold version of Aquaman the BEST version of Aquaman?” The answer is “yes.” Also “OUTRAGEOUS!” But, seriously, the thread lots of interesting discussion about a comics (and cartoon) character who has had some credibility problems throughout his history.

Sign Off

That’s all for this week.

  • Iustum
    Newsletter Editor
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