It’s Comic Con time, and that means lots of new trailers to see. There might be one for Star Wars and Batman v Superman but there is a TV trailer that also has people talking, and that is that of Once Upon a Time season five. The next season sees Emma Swan go dark. Below is the trailer for #DarkSwan. But what is missing from this trailer and news that was also released at Comic Con, is that Merida from Brave is joining the next series, and she will be played by British actress Amy Manson (Misfits, Atlantis).
Merida is one of my favourite Disney characters, she is fierce and the first Disney Princess to not have a love story in her tale. She’ll be a great addition to the show, and I can’t wait to see her join the cast. No pictures have been released yet, but hopefully we’ll see some soon.
Once Upon a Time returns on the autumn.