The Ed Greenwood Group (TEGG) and ChiZine Publications (CZP) today Reach Agreement on Creative Coterie

June 30th, 2015

For Immediate Release

The Ed Greenwood Group


Creative Coterie: TEGG and ChiZine Become Spellbound Bedfellows…

TORONTO—The Ed Greenwood Group (TEGG) and ChiZine Publications (CZP) today reached a creative coterie, a partnership that will see the CZP co-publishers, Sandra Kasturi and Brett Savory, join forces with The Archmage, Mr. Ed Greenwood, to help infuse an extra degree of idiosyncrasy into the new worlds and settings he’s created.

“Embrace the Odd” says the tagline on CZP’s website, and for almost 20 years ChiZine has lived up to its promise. CZP has long been known as the publisher of award-winning and mind-bending works that are often described as weird, subtle, disturbing, startling, and dark and are published in a myriad of literary styles and formats. “We look for the unusual, the interesting, the thought-provoking,” says Ms. Kasturi, co-owner and co-publisher at CZP. “We want to show readers something they haven’t seen before, to share the bliss of good writing with our readership,” says Mr. Savory, the other co-owner and co-publisher. “Creating and playing with Ed is going to be so much fun!” adds Ms. Kasturi.

The Ed Greenwood Group, a new transmedia publishing company from the creator of the Forgotten Realms®, launches this fall with its first novel, a brand-new Ed Greenwood title. Your World Is Doomed is the first novel in an urban fantasy setting called Hellmaw; 6 story arcs, 86 novels, 14 anthologies, 5 games, and 9 Artifacts are planned between Mr. Greenwood’s first novel and the end of the sixth story arc, projected for October 2022. Next year (2016) will see the launch of a more traditional sword-and-sorcery setting code-named Pony Island Adventures. CZP will participate in the Hellmaw setting along with four other Greenwood settings: For Wolf & Empire (steampunk), Lost Princesses of Mars (space opera), The Great Galactic Game (science fantasy), and Under Deadly Stars (science fiction).

“ChiZine’s reputation for being a publisher of great works of genre fiction is very well deserved,” says Mr. Greenwood, president and publisher of TEGG. “Sandra and Brett work hard, they have a strong respect and care for their authors and their works, and have earned respect in return. They believe in excellence, and both are quite heteroclitical in the most delightful of ways. How could anyone not want to work with them?”

Greenwood, Kasturi, and Savory will be co-creating ChiZine story arcs inside Greenwood’s new shared settings, and because it’s ChiZine, these story arcs will be travelling under, around, in between, and through the Greenwood storylines. Both Kasturi and Savory intend to write and play in these new spaces and places but will also be inviting their own group of dynamic and adventurous authors to participate in the ever-expanding creative space Greenwood is building.

For more information, please visit:

o   Twitter: @chizinepub | Facebook:

o   LinkedIn:

o   Twitter: @TheEdVerse | Facebook:

To schedule an interview:

  • With ChiZine, please contact Sandra Kasturi at +1 416 652-3482 |
  • With Ed Greenwood, please use the office contact [form] or email:

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