Pretty cool date, huh?
SpaceX’s Pad Abort Test Explained; 2nd Edition of PAOLO BACIGALUPI The Windup Girl Released; Gollancz Geeks Returns; Project Hieroglyph Releases New Anthology; Night Shade Announces Datlow’s Best of Horror; Juan Carlos Aguilar announces an anthology of Venezuelan Science Fiction; New McFarland Releases;
Marvel Internal Emails ‘splain Why No Female Superhero Flicks (summary: reasons are NOT good)
Adam Troy Castro’s The Adventures of Captain Christian White: Puppy Commentary in Fictional Form
Chemicals Used In Fracking Discovered in Drinking Water (of course, its only an aberration…bad testing…some kind of screw up…cause chemicals injected underground into porous rock would never find their way to the water table….)
It’s Not the Internet That Makes Us Cruel. It’s Us That Makes Us Us.
Gamergate Explained. (Now I need a Shower.)
A Guide To Gender In India (pretty powerful stuff)
A Nebraska Woman, Calling Herself an Ambassador of God, Sues All Homosexuals in Federal Court (now I know the world is ending)
One Reason Why Believers Can’t Handle Atheists
Openly Gay Eagle Scout Kicked Out of BSA
Is A Kinder, Gentler Internet Possible?
Tony Smith reviews Asimov’s I, Robot in an extremely entertaining video review
If You Like Libraries (and who doesn’t?)
The Coolest (IMHO) and Originalist Illustrations From Wells’ War of the Worlds go on Auction (gallery)
Pro Se Press Releases Aaron Smith’s Nobody Dies For Free
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Trailer
Haffner Press Releases The Watcher at the Door, Early Kuttner Book 2
Alec Peter’s Daily Project Axanar Blog
Giant Lego Star Destroyer Model Destroyed in Slo-Mo
Surprising Stories Latest Issue
Scalzi adds a Sundance film review column to the repetoire
Kevin Standlee Explains Worldcon Supporting Memberships
David Gerrold Opens “Recommendations Community” Page on Facebook (to talk about books you recommend)
More Puppygate Fallout: No Match Game at Worldcon
See the Future at the Museum of Science Fiction
Why Joss Whedon Dropped His Twitter Account
Look! A Newly Discovered Monkey (it’s not Davey Jones)
Can You Sat “Killdozer” or “Maximum Overdrive”, or “The Car” or “Christine”? Good, cause the first self-driving semi-truck just hit the highway
Edison’s Talking Dolls. Almost as Creepy As Those Dolls From Barbarella
Climate Change MIlestone: Atmosphere Tops 400 PPM of Carbon Dioxide
Ancient, Ancient Missing Link May Have Been Found Beneath Arctic Ice
Being Poor Can Damage Your DNA
Scientists Use Computer Algorithm To Counter Super Bugs
Launch Of Solar Sail Test Coming Soon
5 Things to Know About SpaceX’s Pad Abort Test
Crew Dragon’s first critical flight test, known as a Pad Abort Test, is expected to take place this Wednesday, May 6, from SpaceX’s Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) in Cape Canaveral, Florida. While the test is originating from the same launch pad we use for operational missions, this is not an operational flight.
This will be the first flight test of SpaceX’s revolutionary new launch abort system, and the odds of encountering delays or issues are high. Fortunately the test doesn’t need to be perfect to be valuable—our primary objective is to capture as much data as possible as the data captured here will be key in preparing Crew Dragon for its first human missions in 2017.

Ediciones Ubikness se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento oficial del libro: “12 grados de latitud norte – Antología de Ciencia Ficción Venezolana”.
Esta obra ha sido la culminación de un largo esfuerzo mancomunado de autores, artistas y editores venezolanos, embarcados en un proceso de búsqueda y aprendizaje en el mundo editorial de papel, abarcando un período de preparación de varios años.
Con ilustración de portada de Juan Raffo, la antología “12 grados de latitud norte” consta de ocho relatos de Ciencia Ficción de autores venezolanos. José Antonio De Córdova, Ronald Delgado, Félix Díaz, Carlos Martínez, José Luis Palacios, Ana Teresa Rodríguez, Enza Scalici y José Urriola, nos muestran sus visiones sobre el futuro. Nos presentan una Venezuela tras el prisma catalizador del tiempo y el espacio. Ricos universos donde Caracas es asediada por los marcianos, el ser humano ha pisado las lunas de Júpiter, jóvenes de Guayana visitan las colonias en la luna, un estado mundial controla los recursos hídricos del planeta, la inteligencia artificial alcanza las cotas de la emocionalidad, la nueva revolución de la genética ocurre en la UCV, el hombre se hace dios y las luchas por la libertad tienen ecos de epopeya bíblica. Historias de ciencia y futuro, historias de la imaginación de lo que se escribe en la actualidad en la literatura de Ciencia Ficción venezolana.
Adicionalmente, la obra cuenta con un extenso recuento del desarrollo de la literatura de Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía en Venezuela, de la pluma de uno de los decanos de estos géneros en el país: el escritor Jorge De Abreu.
Así, hoy los lectores aficionados del género pueden disfrutar de una antología de ciencia ficción venezolana, una rara cosecha criolla, disponible hoy en casi todo el mundo gracias a su venta y distribución en línea, mediante la empresa Amazon y sus subsidiarias en América, Europa y Asia.