AMAZING THINGS: Time Travel Story Bundle

Alternitech_Cover_FinalIn these straitened economic time, everyone appreciates a bargain, right? Just ask Walmart, who in recent years grew its customer base after the global economic slump. And avaricious readers like ourselves are prepared to pay top dollar for our favourite authors. But what about all the other stuff we want to read, too? Unless you have deep pockets it would be a challenge to pay a high price for everything. Much as we desire to support all those wonderful authors starving in their garrets.

While Amazon does a great job with its .99c daily deals, there are other sources of good quality books that also happen to be cheap. And by cheap I mean inexpensive – rather than the other meaning of the word “cheap”! Cheap certainly is no indicator of poor quality in my experience.

A few month ago something great came to my attention through my Twitter feed: StoryBundle.  The first one that grabbed my attention was an amazing collection of book on the craft and business of writing, from people like Brandon Sanderon (Shadows Beneath: The Writing Excuses Anthology), David Farland (Million Dollar Outlines) and Dean Wesley Smith (Drawing on the Power of Resonance in Writing) and a bunch more. The deal was you pay a minimum of something like $10 or so, get the first ten books and for even a little more you get the extra five book. I got them all, naturally. Reader set price. You can also determine what percentage of your purchase goes to authors and what portion is a charity donation.

Snipers_Cover_FinalI remember thinking, “How great is that?” Since then I’ve bought several more bundles, most recently the Weird Fiction bundle, with works by Jeff VanderMeer, Michael Cisco and others. Typically the bundles are curated by one person, who decides what the best offer might be.

Let me quote Story Bundle’s mission statement:

“ StoryBundle is a way for people who love to read to discover quality indie books written by indie authors. You know how it’s always hard to find something good to read? StoryBundle hopes to solve that. We take a handful of books—anywhere from six to nine—and group them together to offer as a bundle. Then you, the reader, can take a look at the titles we’ve chosen and decide how much you’d like to pay. Think of us like a friend that scours independent books for undiscovered gems, then bundles these titles together for one low price that you decide. Yeah, we mean it; you get to set the price that you want to pay!”

The offers are time-limited, but once you sign up you get alerts on the latest offers by email. Currently there is a fabulous Time Travel bundle on offer, curated by none other than Kevin J. Anderson.

Time_Streams_Cover_FinalThe bundles are extremely varied, too. Action/Adventure, Crime, you name it. For all tastes – an we all know what catholic tastes us science fiction readers have.

Go on! You know you want it.

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