The 2015 Locus Poll & Survey is Now Open. ANYONE Can Vote. We Here At Amazing Stories Urge You To Vote For Magazines In Alphabetical Order…or vote for what you think deserves your vote in a mature and adult fashion after careful consideration of the merits of each individual work sans whatever small desire you might have to try and effect the course of national politics by registering your feelings through the nomination of works of fiction. What, you’re still here? Then please forget all about this poll.
Amazing Stories Forms Political Action Committee – Liberal Hugo Voters Party (Liberal = Generous…): Calls for Fans to Vote for Stuff They’ve Read, Liked and Think Deserve an Award. In related news: RNC & DNC Agree that the Hugo Award results have ABSOLUTELY NO effect on national politics whatsoever. Log Cabin Republicans Agree, as do Red Dog Democrats. Tea Party did not respond to requests for comment. Probably too busy looking at Russia out their kitchen windows.
Flame Con Is Go! (First LGBTQ Comic Con); Lock In Finalist for Audie Awards; Night Shade Books – Best Horror of the Year; Haffner Press New Releases; Norwescon 38 Report; Night Shade – Laird Barron; Demand Progress Largest Cable Providers Backing Legislation to Block Net Neutrality; Night Shade – Dorsai!; Night Shade – Glen Cook!
Women Apparently Can’t Be Cowboy Gunfighters (Lehman)
Scalzi Gently Returns Puppies to Their Basket
Gerrold Tells Sad Puppies That Star Trek Was Not About What They Think It Was About (Read the comments too!)
Hines Doubles Down on Star Trek
Foster Explains What It Means To Be A Real Man
Davidson Explains to Sad Puppies That Campbell Wasn’t About What They Think He Was About Either
Hugo Awards Biased Against Women (No! Really?)
The View From Australia Through Culture-Colored Glasses
Laura Mixon: Requires Hate Followup
Hurley Not Happy with Gaiman Trigger Warnings
Some States Iz Stoopid: Anti-Tesla Laws? Really?
More Spacekat (That Woman Will Just NOT Shut Up! And That’s A Good Thing!)
Games Deserve Better Than the Game Industry
Harassing Women Online is Terrorism
Open Road Media Honors Black Authors During Black History Month (video)
A. C. Clarke Was Pretty Accurate About the Future (As if we didn’t already know)
Score Some Armstrong Apollo 11 Swag
Captain Scalzi To Be Removed From Command….
Is This the World’s First Superman?
Forgotten SF TV Show (and It’s Fans)
Leigh Brackett’s First Draft of The Empire Strikes Back
Marvel Announces ALL FEMALE Avengers Team
Character Sketches For Butcher’s Dresden Files
Star Trek Coins! (via SF Signal)
Pandoran Age Releases First Short Film
Wonder Woman Set to Shoot in Fall
William F. Nolan: HWA Grand Master
2014 Paul Harland Award Winners
2015 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire Nominations
Jim Baen Memorial Award Finalists
Self-Publishing Vs Traditional: Round Nth
Science Fiction & Technolocultures University NEW FB Page
Lit Agg – Doesn’t Sound Like What It Is (No Cow Manure Involved)
EMP Museum Offers Writing Contest (via Chris McKitrick)
What’s In A Name? Some People Want San Diego Comic-Con to Stay in San Diego. WTF!?
HWA Announces Rocky Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund
Long Lost Typeface Recovered From Thames (via Radish Reviews)
70,000 Years Ago – The Red Star Passes
Doesn’t It Seem Like Tech Advances Faster and Faster andfasterand faster…? Here’s Why (via SF Signal)
Oooo Xperimental Space Plane Completes It’s Test Flight
Limpit Teeth: Strongest Substance Known to Science
Coin Tosses Aren’t Entirely Random…
Proof That Dogs Can Read Our Emotions (cats can too…)
To Boldly Fly Where No Drone Has Gone Before (video)
Calling All Space Lawyers! Can We Stake A Claim On Asteroids?
Calling All Aliens! Hey! We’re Over Here! Tasty and Technologically Behind the Times! (via SF Signal)
Chimps Can Learn New Chimp Languages (but will they ever be able to understand sad puppy speak?)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 11, 2015 CONTACT: Meg Walker Gretchen Koss President, Dir. of Marketing President, Dir. of Publicity Tandem Literary Tandem Literary 212-629-1990 ext. 2 212-629-1990 ext. 1 meg@tandemliterary.com Gretchenkoss@tandemliterary.com
20th Annual Audie® finalists announced in thirty categories Winners announced at the Audie Awards Gala in New York City on May 28th hosted by award winning author Jack Gantos
Philadelphia, PA – The Audio Publishers Association (APA) has announced finalists for its 2015 Audie Awards® competition, the only awards program in the United States devoted entirely to honoring spoken word entertainment.
Winners will be announced at the Audies Gala on May 28, 2015, at the New York Academy of Medicine in New York. Newbery award winning author, and audiobook narrator extraordinaire, Jack Gantos will emcee the event and says “I’m thrilled to host the Audies. Unlike when I’m in the recording studio, while on stage at the Audies Gala I can wear a watch, have my stomach growl, jiggle pocket change, trip over my own tongue, laugh at my own jokes, completely screw up my lines and not have to worry about repeating myself– again and again. It is an honor to be a part of recognizing all the incredible audio talent in the industry who do the hard work of controlling themselves in the studio every single day.”
This year there will be an additional category: JUDGES AWARD – SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Janet Benson, Audies Competition Chair, says “Recognizing the constantly evolving nature of modern science and technology, the Audies Competition Committee wished to honor audiobooks which celebrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Entries in this field are often more challenging to judge, as the content can be dense, but our finalists were lauded by the judges as titles you can both learn from AND enjoy listening to!” Of this year’s finalists, Michele Cobb, President of the APA says “Our nominees continue to astound and impress with the creation of high quality productions that convert new listeners to the format every day; we are pleased to have such a great list.” The Audies, sponsored by the Audio Publishers Association (APA), is the premier awards program in the United States recognizing distinction in audiobooks and spoken word entertainment. Through the Audie Award competition, publishers enter titles in various categories for recognition of excellence. Finalists are selected by a diverse group of experienced judges and, from that group of finalists, one winner is awarded.
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Congressmen Fred Upton and Greg Walden just introduced legislation to block Net Neutrality.
Wanna guess who Fred Upton’s biggest campaign contributor was in 2014? Comcast.
How about the second biggest donor to Greg Walden’s campaign? Also Comcast.
The corruption is so blatantly obvious I almost can’t believe it.
It’s time we let the constituents of these congressmen know who they’re actually representing in Washington. So here’s the plan: If we can raise enough money today, we’ll start putting up billboards in their home districts that call them out for putting the cable industry ahead of their constituents.
Chip in $5 to help hold these corrupt opponents of Net Neutrality accountable.
Comcast shoveled almost $3 million into Congress in 2014–and now they’re getting what they paid for.
Within days of FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler coming out strongly for Net Neutrality and Title II reclassification, Comcast’s allies in Congress started trying to cut off the FCC at the knees.
We can hold these members of Congress accountable–but we need to hit them where it hurts, with voters. That’s why we’re putting up billboards in their home districts, to let voters know how they took money from Comcast to fight Net Neutrality.
But we don’t get millions from corporations like Comcast. We count on your donations to make our work possible. Will you chip in $5 to help stop Comcast from killing Net Neutrality?
-Demand Progress
Cozy With Comcast: Fred Upton, Greg Walden, Architects Of GOP Net Neutrality Plan, Receive Big Cable Cash, International Business Times, January 22, 2015
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