Box Set Review: Sleepy Hollow

sleepy-hollow-season-1-finaleI was a fan of the Sleepy Hollow film and was interested with a TV  series was announced. I also got excited by the leading man cast. Tom Mison, who was Mr. Bingley in Lost in Austen (a twist on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice) looks completely different with his beard and long brunette hair, vs. the clean shaven blonde English gent. I only watched a handful of the first few episodes of the show and was pleasently surprised, but never got round to finishing off the series when it was on TV.

Then lucky for me last week I was asked if I wanted to review the box set, which is out now on DVD. Perfect! Time to check out the rest of the show. For those that haven’t seen it, Sleepy Hollow is a modern-day twist on the classic tale by Washington Irving, in which Ichabod Crane (you don’t get names like that anymore) is resurrected a couple (and a bit) centuries after his death. But with him also comes the Headless Horseman who is on a murderous rampage in the town of Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod has to work with local Lieutenant Abbie Millls (Nicole Beharie, Shame, The Good Wife) to stop the Headless Horseman, but also the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and save the town and the world.

The show is packed full of fast-paced thrills, that although it is nothing compared to all of the horror movies I have been watching of late, has still had me watching between my fingers in places. It also has a perfect balance of humour, mostly around Ichabod as he tries to navigate his way through the modern, technology filled world.

The first season has been really enjoyable to watch, and I can’t watch to get my hands on season 2.

Season 1 of Sleepy Hollow is out now and is available on Amazon, priced at £18.

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