Fandom is alive and stronger than ever, due in part to the presence of some brilliant websites and fanzines. With the vast range of media outlets like books, television and film, the content available for these dedicated sites are boundless. But in the end, the foundation for what really draws the interest (and pocket book) of the devoted fan is a good story.
The search for a good story brings us to Bastion Science Fiction Magazine where you will find “short stories reminiscent of the golden age.” This monthly publication presents new science fiction from up and coming authors as well as some you may have already heard of. Last month’s issue included nine fun and thought provoking works of literature.
The May 2014 issue begins with a story that is very different and a great introduction to the type of material readers will find. “Moving Past Legs” by Jamie Lackey is a unique look at social interaction between humans and Octopi. Be warned, when two different species learn to communicate, the relationship changes.
“The Endless Flickering Night” by Gary Emmette Chandler shifts to a post apocalyptic world where the few remaining souls struggle with the status quo. Having survived the destruction is one thing, but growing up in the shelters below the surface only cultivates trouble.
“Worried About” by Brandon McNulty is a strange if not uncomfortable look at stress and how some people deal with it. The old adage, “be careful what you wish for,” has a dark and sinister turn in this story.
“Vines” by G. J. Brown is a quirky murder mystery in the mold of Mickey Spillane. Just like in the classics, the reader never knows who did it until the last paragraph.
“A Considerate Invasion” by Mark Patrick Lynch is not your normal alien contact story. When you’re being exterminated to make room for an expanding invasion, the truth may come too late.
“A Rather Different Sort of F-Bomb” by Marty Bonus is a dark look at population control. Sometimes playing god doesn’t always work out like it’s planned.
“Zombie Limbo Master” by Rosemary Claire Smith is not your typical brain munchin’ monster story. This is a tale from inside the zombie horde and the battle for control.
If you could learn what day will eventually die, would you want to know? “Nigh” by Eric Del Carlo is a thought provoking look into the world of clairvoyance and the social inconveniences of being able to predict individual fates.
“Wruyian Sands” by Jessica Payseur is many stories tightly woven into one. It is a story about teenage dissention on the home front. It is a story about adolescent curiosity. And it is a story cultural difference between alien species. But what makes this tale work so well is the way all three stories rely on each other.
As you can see, Bastion Science Fiction Magazine does not shy away from providing a large range of literary stimulation. If you’re looking for some fresh new science fiction from a successful cast of writers, stop by