PRESS RELEASES & NEWSLETTERS (See below for full text)

Regular Starship Service From Darkover Resumes
Radio Archives News


legoFemale Scientists Lego Figures Coming
Gender In Genre
We Have Always Fought – Craft, Fiction & Fandom
On Race & Genetics
Vampirella Relaunch: “‘scantily clad’ sexy female comic book character trope” or “Vampirella’s slingsuit is as much a part of the character as her fangs….Own it.” 
Tianamen Square Largely Forgotten
Natalie Luhrs:  Raddish Reviews Link Post (Just about EVERYTHING in there) El-Mohtar, Black Gate, Tobler, Acks
Tangent Online Review of Women Destroy SF
Levar Burton Endorses Octavia Butler
Post Binary Gender In SF
Invisible Women
Heinlein Couldn’t Win A Hugo These Days?
Black Communities Of the 30th Century
Wonder Woman:  Feminist Icon, Failure, Both?
On the Fake Geek Girls Trope


rocket raccoonRocket Raccoon Has Over 300,000 Pre-Orders
SF Authors Share Their 1st Reads
Are You A Book Nerd? (via Michael Walsh)
First Images From CYBER
New HBO Series Features Talking Squids In Spaaaaaace Atwood Trilogy 
Monty Python & Doctor Who In the Theatre
Tyson Runs Down All That is Wrong With Gravity…and Black Hole Worst SF Film Offender…and Names His Top 10 SF Films
Dr. Strange Has A Director!
Apex #61 Now Available
Kindle Titles Under $5
Thunderbirds Reboot
Orci To Direct Star Trek R3?
SF Writers Sampler 2014
Tales To Terrify


Jay Lake’s Legacy
Drink Tank Handicaps the Hugos
New Eurocon Bid
The Future Of Fandoms (PBS Video)
Crocodile Named For Tolkein Character
Bradbury Review Tribute
Larry Niven Primer
GRRM Talks Future Plans
Behind the Scenes At Star Trek Axanar


featured hugo awardsOnline Voting Begins For 2014 Hugo Awards
 Manly Wade Wellman Award
2014 Lambda Award Winners
Audie Awards
Rosny-Aine Award Nominees
Grand Prix de L’Imaginaire Winners
Premio Italiano Winners
British Fantasy Award Nominees
Sidewise Award Nominations


ALWAYS Be Branding:  Scalzi, Johnson & Barnes At BEA
Get More Followers
Pixar Rendering Software Available For Free
New E-I-C At HellNotes
Media Network Conference
Simon & Schuster Introduces Social Network For Its Authors


GRRM Promotes Two Causes



Asteroid Mining May Reveal ET
New Uses For Old Space Probes
NASA Ready To Test New Vehicle
Hubble One-Ups Itself: 10,000 Galaxies
‘Godzilla’ of ExoPlanets
We Can Forget It For You Wholesale
Dark Energy Quest
NASA Not ready For Mars
5 Planets In Night Sky This Month
View Binary Stars
NASA’s Flying Saucer
Lasers From Space
Heinlein’s ‘eggs in one basket’ now SpaceX’s Risk Management
Best Sky Photos of the Week
Funding For 12 Space Projects
Milky Way Over NH (Amazing Stories HQ!)
Orion Unmanned Test Flight All Systems Go


A Celebration of the Work of

Lucius Shepard

 hosted by

Ellen Datlow and Robert Killheffer

 Earlier this year we lost a supremely talented writer, an artist of rare genius and luminous prose, whose work knocked the socks off a generation of readers and fellow writers but remains regrettably (though not entirely) underappreciated outside the bounds of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror community that claimed him as its own. Join us for a night of fond remembrance and readings from the wondrous work he left us with, and raise a glass or two to the memory of Lucius Shepard.

 At KGB Bar

 Readings from Lucius’s work by

 Katherine Dunn

Laird Barron

Alice K. Turner

Mark Jacobson

Jack Womack

John Langan

Jack Haringa

 and others

Sunday, June 15, 2014 at 7 PM


85 East 4th Street

New York, NY

(just off 2nd Ave, upstairs)

~~~ Newsletter
LeVar Burton   TV and Movies: Cocky Oberyn, Goth Sansa, Penny DreadfulReading Rainbow, and Maleficent!

Theresa DeLucci talks us through the latest trauma-inducing episode of Game of Thrones“The Mountain and the Viper.” (On the brighter side, though, how fabulous is Goth Sansa?!) Ryan Britt recaps “Demimonde,” thelatest installment of Penny Dreadfuland notes how pleased he is that, in the midst of all the absurdity, the show grounds its characters by giving them actual jobs. In other news: Take a look! It’s in a book! It’s on your iPad! Reading Rainbow is coming back in a new, interactive form for this tech-savvy generation of kids, and they’ve raised about a gazillion dollars on Kickstarter to do it! And turning to the big screen, Emily Asher-Perrin reviews Maleficentand finds a compelling emotional core to love under all those silly special effects and padded cheekbones… 

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  Rogues: Tales of Rascals, Mischief, and Mayhem, Set in Your Favorite Fantasy Worlds

Editors George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois are about to release a new anthology, Rogues, on June 17th! This amazing collection from Bantam Books is filled with all kinds of delightful scoundrels and features stories from Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, Daniel Abraham, Paul Cornell, and, astonishingly, many more. You can get an exclusive advance look at four of the most hotly anticipated stories in this collection with the following non-spoiler reviews: Stefan Raets reviews Scott Lynch’s “A Year and A Day in Old Theradane,” and declares it “a blast from start to finish.” Bridget McGovern reviews“The Rogue Prince, or, A King’s Brother,” George R.R. Martin’s companion piece to “The Princess and The Queen, Or, The Blacks and The Greens,” which was included in last year’s Dangerous Women anthology. Justin Landon reviews Joe Abercrombie’s “Tough Times All Over” and finds it to be “less grimdark and more grimlark!” Jo Walton reviews Patrick Rothfuss’ “The Lightning Tree,” which features Bast getting up to all kinds of trouble behind Kote’s back! Plus, check back for an exclusive excerpt from Joe Abercrombie next week!

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GRRM and Rand   George R. R. Martin Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Writing…

It’s a good thing that we love spending time in Westeros, because A Song of Ice and Fire might be expanding to eight books! At least, according to Martin’s editor, Anne Groell, who teased fans during a recent Q&A, claiming that the series might need another novel to conclude its epic tale…In other epic fantasy news, it turns out that George R.R. Martin and Rand al’Thor are best bros! It’s lovely to see that they don’t let silly things like Rand’s status as a fictional character get in the way of their friendship.

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Eye of the World   Wheel of Time, Hugos, and the Art of the Book Cover! 

Since the whole of The Wheel of Time has been nominated for Best Novel for the 2014 Hugo Awards, Tor Books (in the U.S.) and Orbit Books (in the U.K.) are including all fourteen novels of the series in the Hugo voter packet. However, since WoT is a lot of reading to cover in a relatively short amount of time, we’ve asked the our resident WoT genius, Leigh Butler, to put together a handy Wheel of Time refresher covering all the books-for those who wish to be conscientious Hugo voters, but may not have time to reread the novels in full before the voting deadline! In other WoT news, Orbit Books has revealed a full set of covers for the UK editions of The Wheel of Time – check them out here! And speaking of fabulous covers, Justin Landon offers up some wonderful recent examples as he explores the way Orbit’s focus on bold SFF art, photography, and design has given the publisher a unique artistic voice in the industry.

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Brienne and the Bear   Star Wars Delights Us With Fabulous Casting Decisions, Falcons, and…Giant Pig Monsters? 

Star Wars: Episode VII made some truly great casting decisions this week! Both Game of Thrones‘ Gwendolyn Christie and 12 Years a Slave Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong’o will be joining the galaxy far, far away. Plus, it looks like the Millennium Falcon will return for another Kessel run! These top secret set photos show theFalcon under construction, an X-Wing, and some kind of giant pig monster alien! Emily Asher-Perrin and Natalie Zutter return with a look at Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Onesand Emily continues her rollicking liveblog ofThe Clone Wars with Season Four: “Battle Lines.”

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Hild   John Scalzi on Technology, Social Media, and Snark-Plus, Free Books!

Last week, John Scalzi and Douglas Preston got together to talk about the future at Book Expo America, and Emily Asher-Perrin was on hand to gather all their insight and advice on robots and space phones. Leah Schnelbach attended Scalzi’s second panel, “The Worst Social Media Advice,” in which he, Maureen Johnson, and Bill Barnes created levels of snark never before seen on Earth. And be sure to enter our ongoing Lock Insweepstakes by noon (EST) on June 7th to win a signed copy of Scalzi’s latest novel, which publishes August 26th (but hey, why wait?!)

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Mr. Mercedes   Celebrate Pride Month With the Return of Queering SFF! 

Back in 2012, we ran a series of special Queering SFF posts as part of our ongoing “Pride Month Extravaganza!” The project was designed to spotlight a selection of books and authors and editors, some new and old, some genre and some not, that were speaking to and from queer people in exciting ways. This June, Brit Mandelo is reviving the series with an all-new Pride Month Extravaganza, beginning with a look at Nicola Griffith’s award-winning Hild! Join us each week for a new post and plenty of discussion all month long!

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King   The Horror! The Horror! Stephen King, Evil Leprechauns, and Hitchcock Spice Up Your Summer Reading…

Grady Hendrix and Will Errickson have launched into their “Summer of Sleaze,” a weekly column exploring the wonders of vintage paperback horror fiction. In the first entry, Grady tackles sex-crazed Nazi Leprechauns in his review of John Christopher’s The Little People, and it’s exactly as hilarious and horrifying as it sounds! Meanwhile, master of horror Stephen King has released a new book, and it’s raining literal blood: Niall Alexander reviews Mr. Mercedes. Finally, we have an excerpt from Ellen Datlow’s terrifyingly good anthology,The Best Horror of the Year; author Kim Newman channels Hitchcock in the haunting story, “The Only Ending We Have.” 

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Stars of Darkover, Deborah J. Ross and Elisabeth Waters, editors
270  pages, trade paperback ($16.95), Kindle and Nook ($7.99)
ISBN1-938185-25-0 | ISBN-13: 978-1-938185-25-0                  

Media Contacts: 
Dave Trowbridge, media facilitator (review copies, author interviews, etc.),, Google Voice: (831) 222-0714
Ann Sharp, Trustee

Regular starship service from Darkover resumes with
Stars of Darkover short story anthology

Famed Marion Zimmer Bradley anthology series relaunches with 15 new tales of action, courage, and humor from luminaries of science fiction and fantasy 

June 3, 2014 (San Francisco, CA) The Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Trust has re-launched the popular annual Marion Zimmer Bradley anthology series with Stars of Darkover, featuring 15 new tales of action, courage, and humor from both old Darkover hands and newcomers to the World of the Bloody Sun, many of them nominees or winners of major science fiction and fantasy awards. Published after a twenty-year hiatus on the 84th anniversary of Marion’s birth, Stars of Darkover resumes the tradition of offering the best upcoming and established writers in science fiction and fantasy an opportunity to put their stamp on the World of the Bloody Sun. Stars of Darkover is available in trade paperback, Kindle, and Nook editions.

“Generations of fans have fallen in love with Darkover,” says Ann Sharp, trustee of the Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Trust, “and many of them have gone on to notable literary careers of their own, often with Marion as mentor and friend. This new anthology re-launches the annual tradition of offering these and other writers the opportunity to play in the World of the Bloody Sun, and we look forward to welcoming more authors in years to come, starting with Gifts of Darkover in 2015.”

Over forty years ago, Marion Zimmer Bradley introduced readers to a compelling new world, Darkover, the World of the Bloody Sun. This distant planet circling a red sun was home to telepaths and rebels, lovers and rivals, nonhuman races both friendly and deadly, ancient traditions and even more ancient feuds, and psychic gifts of unimaginable power, channeled through starstone gems and capable of changing not only individual lives, but the entire world. Now editors Deborah J. Ross and Elisabeth Waters have gathered together luminaries of fantasy in this star-studded anthology of original stories that span Darkover’s rich history and culture. From the Ages of Chaos to recontact with the Terrans, from the Dry Towns to the back streets of Thendara to the horse pastures of Armida, these tales offer action, courage, and humor, set in the wondrous world that is Darkover.

The anthology offers the unique perspectives of 18 writers, many of whom have been awarded or nominated for major awards such as the Nebula and World Fantasy Award. These authors include old Darkover hands like Diana L. Paxson, Janni Lee Simner, and Robin Wayne Bailey, and Darkover newcomers such as Kari Sperring, Judith Tarr, and Rachel Manija Brown. Each story include a brief comment by the author about their connection to Marion and Darkover.


Stars of Darkover, Deborah J. Ross and Elisabeth Waters, editors
270  pages, trade paperback ($16.95), Kindle and Nook ($7.99)
ISBN1-938185-25-0 | ISBN-13: 978-1-938185-25-0

Stars of Darkover Table of Contents

Introduction Deborah J. Ross
All the Branching Paths Janni Lee Simner
The Cold Blue Light Judith Tarr
Kira Ann Steven Harper
Threads Elisabeth Waters and Ann Sharp
Wedding Embroidery Shariann Lewitt
The Ridenow Nightmare Robin Wayne Bailey
Catalyst Gabrielle Harbowy
The Fountain’s Choice Rachel Manija Brown
House of Fifteen Widows Kari Sperring
Zandru’s Gift Vera Nazarian
Late Rising Fire Leslie Fish
Evanda’s Mirror Diana L. Paxson
At The Crossroads Barb Caffrey
Second Contact Rosemary Edghill and Rebecca Fox
A Few Words For My Successor Debra Doyle & James D. Macdonald


June 6, 2014
Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Our restoration team spent four months getting these 72 hours of NBC and CBS coverage restored. These two sets are the most important restorations that Radio Archives has ever done and we are proud to be able to offer them to you!
70th Anniversary
It was the largest, most ambitious, and most successful military operation ever attempted — and radio was there to cover it.
D-Day, the invasion of Normandy. It was the turning point of the war in Europe, the beginning of the end for the Axis as the Allies started their drive towards Germany. It was a momentous event that would change not only the course of World War II, but the history of the world. Radio Archives is pleased and proud to offer the complete and continuous CBS network coverage of the events of June 6 and 7, 1944.
Hear President Roosevelt, the BBC feed of Communique #1, General Eisenhower from SHAEF headquarters, King George VI speaking from London via the BBC. Bill Henry in Washington interviews Congressmen Moss, McCormick, Rogers, Voorhees, Mundt, Herbert, and Gore.
Regular CBS shows were included in the broadcast, “The Passing Parade”, “Columbia Presents Corwin”, “Burns & Allen”, “1st show of “The Doctor Fights”, “Perry Mason”, “Valiant Lady,” “Light of the World,” “The Open Door,” “Bachelor’s Children”, “Kate Smith Speaks”, “Big Sister”, “The Romance of Helen Trent”, “Life Can Be Beautiful”, “Ma Perkins”, “The Goldbergs” among them.
Hear the events of the day as reported by Irwin Darlington, Robert Trout, Maj. George Fielding Elliott, Ned Calmer, Quentin Reynolds, Alan Jackson, Merrill Mueller, Douglas Edwards, Quincy Howe, William Shirer, John Daly, and Edwin C. Hill with “The Human Side of the News”. Reporting from London are Edward R. Murrow, Wright Bryan, John W. Vandercook, David Anderson, Arthur Mann, and Charles Shaw reports from the BBC in London.
Herbert Clark reports from the invasion fleet off the coast of England, an eyewitness account of the first parachute drop, James Willard from SHAEF headquarters in London describes the invasion fleet from the air. Richard C. Hottelet describes the invasion from a plane over the beaches, French Colonel Morrison who describes the area of the invasion landings, Stanley Richardson eyewitness account of the invasion fleet, Charles Collingwood aboard an LST in the invasion fleet, and George Hicks from the invasion fleet, describing the shore bombardment before the landing.
These are recordings that many historians believe to be among the most valuable audio documents ever preserved. The CBS broadcasts — containing 34 hours of continuous programming of news, music, drama, comedy, and entertainment — are history as it happened, in a special collection that is sure to occupy a special place in your radio collection.
34 hours. Normally priced at $101.98 Audio CDs / $55.99 Download, CBS D-Day is Specially priced through the month of June at only $89.98 Audio CDs / $44.99 Download.

Ten years ago on June 6, 2004, in remembrance of the 60th anniversary of the Normandy invasion, the ABC Radio program Perspective featured a fascinating story detailing radio’s coverage of D-Day as it happened in 1944. Written, edited, and narrated by ABC reporter Chuck Sivertsen, the feature incorporated clips from the Radio Archives D-Day collection. We believe this in-depth and well-presented feature provides an excellent overview of the historic content of this collection.

70th Anniversary

It was the largest, most ambitious, and most successful military operation ever attempted — and radio was there to cover it.
D-Day, the invasion of Normandy. It was the turning point of the war in Europe, the beginning of the end for the Axis as the Allies started their drive towards Germany. It was a momentous event that would change not only the course of World War II, but the history of the world. Radio Archives is pleased and proud to offer the complete and continuous NBC network coverage of the events of June 6 and 7, 1944.
Noted inspirational author Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, King Haakon VII of Norway, Premier Gerbandy of the Netherlands, Premier Pierlot of Belgium, and US Senators Clark, Barkley, White, Hill and Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce speak, as does the President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. General Eisenhower speaks from SHAEF headquarters.
Regular NBC shows were included in the broadcast, “The Bob Hope Show”, “Fibber McGee & Molly”, “The Guiding Light”, “Vic & Sade”, “The Red Skelton Show”, “The Road of Life”, “Today’s Children”, “Ma Perkins”, “Pepper Young’s Family”, “Mary Noble, Backstage Wife”, “Stella Dallas”, “Lorenzo Jones”, “Young Widder Brown”, “When A Girl Marries” and “Front Page Farrell” among them.
Hear the events of the day as reported by Ben Grauer, Cesar Saerchinger, Charles F. McCarthy, David Anderson, Don Goddard, Don Hollenbeck, Ed Hocker, Edward R. Murrow, Elmer Peterson, George Wheeler, H. V. Kaltenborn, Herbert M. Clark, James Willard, John W. Vandercook, Louis P. Lockner, Lowell Thomas, Merrill Mueller, Morgan Beatty, Ralph Howard, Richard Harkness, Robert McCormick, Robert St. John, Tommy Traynor, W. W. Chaplin and Wright Bryan. Alex Dreier, in Chicago, recalled his experiences as the last western correspondent in Nazi Germany while Stanley Richardson offered an eyewitness account of the invasion from the Channel boats, and George Hicks reported from the beach-head itself!
These are recordings that many historians believe to be among the most valuable audio documents ever preserved. The NBC broadcasts — containing 38 hours of continuous programming of news, music, drama, comedy, and entertainment — are history as it happened, in a special collection that is sure to occupy a special place in your radio collection. 38 hours. Normally priced at $113.98 Audio CDs / $56.99 Download, NBC D-Day is Specially priced through the month of June at only $99.98 Audio CDs / $49.99 Download.
Special 50% discount Offer

By the fall of 1949, television was making serious dents in the large audience numbers that radio had enjoyed for well over a decade. Jim and Marian Jordan (a.k.a. Fibber McGee and Molly) were a rarity. Here were two performers that had sized up the situation and determined that television had nothing to offer them.
In the fall of 1953, “The Fibber McGee and Molly Show” was revamped into a five-day-a-week, quarter-hour program that would play on the network twice each weekday: once in the daytime and once in the evening.  From October 5, 1953 to March 23, 1956 – a total of 577 fifteen-minute broadcasts – Fibber and Molly McGee continued to generate mirth from their famous address at 79 Wistful Vista.
The half-hour version of “Fibber McGee and Molly” only occasionally featured “serialized” plot lines – stories that would play out over two or more broadcasts – but with the quarter-hour format, began to fashion lengthy story arcs to accommodate the new five-times-a-week broadcasts. The longest running of these was the saga of “Citizen X” (displayed in the first three programs of this collection), a contest cooked up by Wistful Vista’s merchant community to boost the local economy. Over the course of fourteen episodes, Fibber McGee valiantly tried to unveil the identity of “X”….
In this, the first of a new series of collections transferred from the long-lost original NBC Reference Recordings, Radio Archives invites you to listen to forty full-length programs that have not been heard since they originally aired over fifty years ago. An additional bonus is their sparkling audio quality; thanks to the innovations of the digital age, these classic shows can now be heard at a level of clear and crisp high fidelity that far exceeds what was available to the average listener in 1954. The result is shows that sound – and are – just as bright, fresh, and entertaining as they were when first heard — a real tribute to the time, talent, and devotion to quality that went into their production. 10 hours. Regular Price $29.98 – Specially priced until June 19 for $14.99 Audio CDs / $7.49 Download
Will Murray’s Pulp Classics #51
Read by Milton Bagby. Liner Notes by Will Murray

In the post World War II era, Popular Publications was slow to launch new magazines built around a single character. But when they did, they went completely out of the box. Captain Zero was one of those.


In 1950, with the pulp era dwindling, Popular put out The Pecos Kid Western. He was, in the words of editor Mike Tilden, “hardly a regulation Western character.”


What did Tilden mean by that? Simply that here was a hero who was neither a steely-eyed pulp stalwart, nor a rodeo-shirted Hollywood trick-shooter — both infallible crusaders for justice, but about as realistic as the Lone Ranger.


The Pecos Kid was really William Calhoun Warren, late of Texas and the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, he set out to make an honest living, assisted by his saddle mates, Big Jim Swing and Hernandez Pedro Gonzales y Fuente Jesus Maria Flanagan. The series was created to reflect the shift toward more mature Western films, which had been growing on Hollywood over much of the 1940s. It would reach its zenith with such cinematic classics as Howard Hawks’ 1948 epic Red River, along withHigh Noon, Shane, and The Searchers, all just around the corner from 1950.


According to author Dan Cushman, The Pecos Kid was actually inspired by The Cisco Kid. “The editors at Popular asked me to write a series on a character they devised called the Pecos Kid, a sort of a spinoff on Leo Carillo, and I wrote several lead novels, but it came during the twilight of the pulps.”


Cushman actually meant Duncan Renaldo, who played The Cisco Kid in the wildly popular 1940s film series, which debuted on TV in September, 1949. Leo Carillo played the Kid’s older sidekick, Pancho.


In his debut novel, Riders of the Gunsmoke Rim, Bill Warren and his comrades have just finished driving a heard of cattle up from Cheyenne to the untamed town of Miles in Montana Country when they muscle into a hornet’s nest of hate and…but you can hear all the ruckus and ruction for yourself as Milton Bagby narrates Dan Cushman’s bullet-torn tale ripped from the pages ofPecos Kid Western, July, 1950.


Also included is a novelette by one of the the Pulp West’s major stars, Harry F. Olmsted’s “Hoss Greer––The Devil’s Line-Rider.”


Backing their play are five frontier fictions by Lloyd Eric Reeve, James Shaffer, Tom Roan, E. E. Halleran, and Giff Cheshire––all storied names back in the heyday of the Pulp West. 8 hours $31.98 Audio CDs / $15.99 Download

Radio Archives has just released its 50th Will Murray Pulp Classics audiobook! It’s The Spider and the Eyeless Legion, one of the most exciting and compelling adventures starring millionaire criminologist Richard Wentworth. We thought it only fitting to celebrate this landmark with the hero who kicked off the successful Will Murray Pulp Classics––The Spider!

To help celebrate this milestone, I’m offering a free download of the story that started the recent sequence of Spider exploits, Rule of the Monster Men. Set in the New York World’s Fair, Rule of the Monster Men pits The Spider against one of the most most malevolent criminal masterminds he ever encountered.

It began with the sighting of a veterinarian’s ambulance, its caged rear crammed with helpless human beings––all victims of Manhattan’s newest monster, the Wreck!
The Rule of the Monster Men had begun.
Creating an army of human cripples, the Wreck begins a looting spree that reaches from Park Avenue to the New York World’s Fair of 1939. In answer to this awful challenge, Richard Wentworth, alias The Spider, rushes to the defense of his beloved city of Manhattan. When his fiancee falls victim to this atrocious fiend, all bets are off! This is not a story with a happy ending….
Taken from the June, 1939 issue of The Spider. Including another Arthur Leo Zagat short story, “Doc Turner and the Winged Terror.” This is a Total Pulp Experience audiobook.
The Spider series was one of the most popular pulp magazines of the 1930s, and his fame has only grown in the 21st Century. Violent, realistic, and uncompromising in his pursuit of justice, The Spider never fails to deliver red-hot action and white-heat emotional thrills. See why he is rightly called the Master of Men!
To obtain your free download send an email to and you’ll receive the download link within seconds.


Robert Weinberg Presents
by Sarah Pinborough and F. Paul Wilson
Read by Nick Santa Maria
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whisper — a whisper of wings! Death has come out of Africa in the form of swarms of vicious African flies. A living plague, these monstrous bugs cannot be battled like some ordinary disease. Medical science is unable to prevent the deadly autoimmune reaction caused by the bite of these insects. Across the world, billions are dead and more are constantly dying. Governments are falling everywhere, and civilization is collapsing. The flies are everywhere and everywhere they swarm they bring death.
A few claim that the bugs are a freak mutation, while others believe that they are a man-made plague. Still, as all hope disappears, mankind ceases to care. The fatal flies are a plague sent by God, or so many of those dying claim.
However, not everyone is dying. A small number of people seem immune. They name themselves Mungus and they teach that man should accept the judgment of the flies, allowing themselves to be bitten by the “flies of the Lord.”
Into the land of the dead and dying, comes Nigel, an investigative reporter, searching for a kidnapped African boy named Bandora. Nigel, who is married to Abby, seeks redemption in a world where there is no such thing as forgiveness. On a quest for the truth, his journey takes him down a long road of self-discovery into the world of the head Mungu, a strange man who speaks the truth in riddles and is not afraid of the deadly flies.
Here is a novel about the end of the world, of the apocalypse; a story about the fragile bonds that hold not only marriages but also civilizations together. It’s also a story about truth and how we treat it. Do we embrace it with our soul or reject it completely. And most of all, it is about how we face truth in ourselves.
A Necessary Evil brings together two bestselling authors from across an ocean to combine their talents in a novel not easy to forget. Sarah Pinborough is a critically acclaimed award-winning author of horror, crime and YA fiction. She has also written for ‘New Tricks’ on the BBC, and has a horror film and an original TV series in development. She lives in London. F. Paul Wilson is an award-winning, NY Times bestselling author of over 50 novels in many genres and numerous short stories translated into twenty-four languages. He is best known as creator of the urban mercenary Repairman Jack. 8 hours $31.98 Audio CDs / $15.99 Download
Robert Weinberg’s photo gallery

Bob with Peter Straub at World Fantasy Convention 1981
by Norbert Davis with an introduction by John D. MacDonald
Read by Milton Bagby
Enjoy the adventures of Max Latin, the detective who doesn’t want to be a detective! Author Norbert Davis mixed the classic hard-boiled style with humor, making Max Latin unique in pulp fiction. Appearing for five screwball stories in Dime Detective, this new edition includes an authoritative introduction by fellow Dime Detective scribe, John D. MacDonald.
Watch Me Kill You!” — I’ll do an artistic job of it and everything’ll be over and we’ll have you all comfortable in your coffin before you know it. We will, that is, if we can keep Latin, the only shamus who might gum the works, sufficiently soaked in brandy till your grave’s filled.
Don’t Give Your Right Name” — If you happen to get in the line of fire of a baleful Borgia on a murder rampage. Take a lesson from a shamus with a shady rep and stagger out of the way with plenty of brandy under your belt. You’ll come out on top much quicker, with dough in your kick to boot, and a hell of a lot less grief.
Give the Devil His Due” — As he accepts a murder commission—for a price—and joins up with the busy folk who are searching the missing Jupiter Zachary—to make sure he stays that way, and preferably dead.
You Can Die Any Day” — In a variety of unpleasant ways, as the unctuous Mrs. Gregory Farmer soon found out when she decided to become a client of that nonesuch of the genus sleuth, the brandy-drinking Latin, who couldn’t keep his feet out of the blood puddles any more than he could keep his beak away from a sniffing-glass.
“Charity Begins At Homicide” — With Max Latin and Carter-Heason, the guy strictly from Kipling, following the latest goings-on of the “Charity” racket.
Read with tongue in cheek by Milton Bagby. 8 hours $31.98 Audio CDs / $15.99 Download

Check out our Facebook Audiobook page!

The Audiobooks of Radio Archives have a Facebook Page. Join Will Murray, Robert Weinberg, Radio Archives, the Authors and Voice Actors discussing all the new books. Take a look.
New Will Murray’s Pulp Classics eBooks
The best of timeless Pulp now available as cutting edge eBooks! Will Murray’s Pulp Classics brings the greatest heroes, awesome action, and two fisted thrills to your eReader! Presenting Pulp Icons such as the Spider and G-8 and His Battle Aces as well as wonderfully obscure characters like the Octopus and Captain Satan. Will Murray’s Pulp Classics brings you the best of yesterday’s Pulp today!
It was inevitable that Richard Wentworth, crack amateur crime-fighter, should one day be called upon to substitute as Police Commissioner for his loyal friend, Kirkpatrick — who had sworn to snare the Spider!… It was inevitable, also, that the Spider’s worst enemy — Munro, the Man of a Thousand Faces — should return! But that these two dramatic events should occur simultaneously… makes for one of the most urgent and exciting of all the Spider’s adventures! Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. $2.99.
Dime Mystery Magazine Dane Gregory and Wayne Robbins
In 1934 a new type of magazine was born. Known by various names — the shudder pulps, mystery-terror magazines, horror-terror magazines — weird menace is the sub-genre term that has survived today. Dime Mystery Magazine was one of the most popular. It came from Popular Publications, whose publisher Harry Steeger was inspired by the Grand Guignol theater of Paris. This breed of pulp story survived less than ten years, but in that time, they became infamous, even to this day. This ebook contains a collection of stories from the pages of Dime Mystery Magazine, all written by Dane Gregory and Wayne Robbins, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format. $2.99.
Dare-Devil Aces was another of the many pulps that rode the wave of popularity of World War I aviation tales in the decade after the conflict. It made its debut in February 1932 and lasted for an astounding 135 issues. It finally closed after World War II ended, with the November 1946 issue. During its run, it presented a wide assortment of high-flying aerial series, including The Red Falcon, The Vanished Legion, The Three Mosquitoes, Molloy and McNamara, The Black Sheep of Belogue, The Mongol Ace, Chinese Brady, Captain Babyface, Smoke Wade and others. Strap on your flying helmet, toss that scarf about your neck and get ready for some soaring action in the skies over France and Germany during the Great War. Dare-Devil Aces return in vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format. $2.99.
G-8 and His Battle Aces #69 June 1939 Flight of the Death Battalion
They had no way of telling what lay before them; there was no sign of murder in the day or in the night as these Battle Aces sat talking in their Hangar. And then it came! — strange and ghastly, as though from another earth, and G-8 had no weapon other than his courage with which to fight! G-8 and his Battle Aces rode the nostalgia boom ten years after World War I ended. These high-flying exploits were tall tales of a World War that might have been, featuring monster bats, German zombies, wolf-men, harpies, Martians, and even tentacled floating monsters. Most of these monstrosities were the work of Germany’s seemingly endless supply of mad scientists, chief of whom was G-8’s recurring Nemesis, Herr Doktor Krueger. G-8 battled Germany’s Halloween shock troops for over a decade, not ceasing until the magazine folded in the middle of World War II. G-8 and his Battle Aces return in vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format. $2.99.
All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub, Mobi, and PDF formats for the ultimate in compatibility. When you upgrade to a new eReader, you can transfer your eBooks to your new device without the need to purchase anything new.

Doc Savage: The War Makers

by Will Murray and Ryerson Johnson, writing as Kenneth Robeson, cover illustration by Joe DeVito

All over the Midwest, cars and trucks were crashing—stopped in their tracks by an inexplicable force! Had some unseen power targeted America’s automotive industry—or was something more sinister at stake?

Summoned to solve the mystery, Doc Savage and his intrepid men follow a trail of terror that winds through the continental United States like a constricting serpent of senseless destruction.

From the nation’s car capital to the North Pole, the Man of Bronze races to stave off a strangely familiar menace only to confront a completely unexpected foe—the enigmatic Baron in Black! Softcover $24.95

by Will Murray and Lester Dent, writing as Kenneth Robeson, cover illustration by Joe DeVito

What is the Blind Death? New York’s newshawks work overtime in a flurry of flashbulb explosions as they clamor for the scoop on the insidious wave of corpses turning up around the city, all struck dead, eyes turned an unseeing ivory by the masked mastermind known as… White Eyes.

As police riot guns and gangland Tommy-guns turn New York City’s winter snows scarlet, Doc Savage, man of mystery, giant of bronze, discovers that the mysterious plague is part of an audacious scheme to unite all of New York’s criminal elements against him. White Eyes’ ultimate goal—to seize the fabled Mayan wealth of the Man of Bronze!

From snowbound Manhattan to the sugar-cane fields of tropical Cuba, Doc Savage and his Iron Crew wage what may be the greatest battle for survival of their careers! Softcover $24.95

Special Avram Davidson Issue. The Winter 1988/1989 issue of Weird Tales showcases the work of Featured Author Avram Davidson and Featured Artist Hank Janus. Also includes work by Carl Jacobi, Robert Sheckley, Ian Watson, Keith Roberts, and many more. 148 pages.
Weird Tales: The Unique Magazine
From March of 1923 to September of 1954, Weird Tales was the most influential of all pulp magazines in the horror and fantasy genres. Weird Tales has enjoyed a devoted following for many decades as the very first magazine of gothic fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. Founded in 1923, the pioneering publication introduced the world to such counter-culture icons as Cthulhu the alien monster god and Conan the Barbarian. Weird Tales is well known for launching the careers of great authors like H.P. Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury, and Robert E. Howard — even, Tennessee Williams made his first sale here! — not to mention legendary fantasy artists like Virgil Finlay and Margaret Brundage. The magazine’s influence extends through countless areas of pop culture: fiction, certainly, but also rock music, goth style, comic books, gaming… even Stephen King has called Weird Tales a major inspiration.
Weird Tales: The Modern Magazine
After the original magazine operation folded in 1954, there were several brief attempts to revive it — reprint anthologies in the ’60s, four new magazine issues in the ’70s, four original paperbacks in the early ’80s — before the resurrection finally achieved full-fledged afterlife under editor-publishers George H. Scithers, Darrell Schweitzer and John Gregory Betancourt. Beginning in 1988, Weird Tales has been published more or less continuously. These 25 year old magazines are Brand new and have never been read. Radio Archives is proud to have a large inventory so that everyone can have a copy of this great magazine. $9.95

The Shadow, Volume 85

The Knight of Darkness battles murderous supervillains in two thrilling pulp novels by Walter B. Gibson writing as “Maxwell Grant.” First, The Shadow wages a final battle against his greatest enemy, Shiwan Khan, in “Masters of Death.” Then, savage drums promise eerie menace when Professor MacAbre attempts to bring “Voodoo Death” to The Shadow and Margo Lane! BONUS: A murderous Shadow uses the power of invisibility for evil and sets a deadly trap for Lamont Cranston in “The Shadow Challenged.” Which Shadow will have the last laugh? This deluxe pulp reprint showcases the original color pulp covers by Graves Gladney and Modest Stein and the classic interior illustrations by Edd Cartier and Paul Orban with historical commentary by Will Murray and Anthony Tollin. Double Novel Reprint $14.95


Doc Savage, Volume 74

The pulp era’s greatest superhero returns in two startling novels by W. Ryerson Johnson, Lester Dent and William Bogart writing as “Kenneth Robeson.” First, The Man of Bronze and Patricia Savage are confronted by “The Motion Menace,” an invisible threat that renders modern weaponry obsolete! Then, in “Fire and Ice,” a Canadian distress signal leads Doc Savage to a beautiful woman, a mysterious strongbox and a hidden secret society. BONUS: a Golden Age classic from the pages of Doc Savage Comics. This instant collector’s item leads off with the classic 1937 color pulp cover by Emery Clarke and also includes all the original interior illustrations by Paul Orban plus historical commentary by Will Murray, author of thirteen Doc Savage novels. Double Novel Reprint $14.95


Doc Savage, Volume 28 James Bama cover

The pulp era’s legendary superman returns in two super-powered pulp novels by “Kenneth Robeson” that inspired classic supervillains from the Marvel Age of Comics. First, the Man of Bronze battles “The Metal Master,” a criminal genius with the power to manipulate the molecular structure of metals. Then, Doc Savage is sent to prison when he’s framed by the murderous teleporter called “The Vanisher.” PLUS: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby recall their teenaged fascination with pulps, and Dave Cockrum’s 1979 artwork from his proposed Doc Savage newspaper strip. This instant collector’s item showcases James Bama’s spectacular cover painting, the original color pulp covers by Robert G. Harris and Walter Baumhofer and all the original interior illustrations by Paul Orban, with historical commentary by Paty Cockrum and Will Murray.. Double Novel Reprint $14.95


This is an authentic replica of an original pulp magazine published by Girasol Collectables. This edition is designed to give the reader an authentic taste of what a typical pulp magazine was like when it was first issued – but without the frailty or expense of trying to find a decades-old collectable to enjoy. The outer covers, the interior pages, and the advertisements are reprinted just as they appeared in the original magazine, left intact to give the reader the true feel of the original as well as an appreciation for the way in which these publications were first offered to their avid readers. To further enhance the “pulp experience”, this edition is printed on off-white bond paper intended to simulate the original look while, at the same time, assuring that this edition will last far longer than the original upon which it is based. The overall construction and appearance of this reprint is designed to be as faithful to the original magazine as is reasonably possible, given the unavoidable changes in production methods and materials. Pulp Replica $35.00

Comments From Our Customers!
Mr. Shankar writes:
Keep the Best of Argosy coming – love them. Faster please.
Dennis Hager writes:
Doc Savage audiobooks are my favorite. Please consider adapting Flight Into Fear at some point. THANKS!
Don Gates writes:
Please send me a free download of the Spider audio book.  I’ve been looking forward to checking these out for a while, and this is a great op portunity to dip my toes in the pool!
Terrence Mayer writes:
I’m tickled to have the D-Day coverage from both NBC and CBS.
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