ABSOLUTE ZERO: Cool Websites, Very Cool

Three sites I’ve visited fairly frequently this week because of the things the individuals they represent are doing and/or saying:

300x300xtumblr_mlug0rkP0y1qkhuh0o1_1280-300x300.jpg.pagespeed.ic.0Jk-rVOJ4PSean the Torso Boy has a physical disability known as Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius Syndrome. “What the hell does that mean? In short it means I have a big head and little arms. The long version involves something along the lines of how I should have died in the first year or have been mentally compromised. No matter what way you look at it, my life came with only an unmarked disc and no manual. I’ve spent the first twenty-three years of my life trying to fit within the guidelines of the social normative. Within the last few years I’ve donned the mask of Torso Boy as a way to create my own normative. While I may look strange to many, I’m finding my own comfort and my own path. Torso Boy is my adventure to become who I want to be without losing myself to the pressure of the world at large.”

Sean’s recent report on the Phoenix Comicon inspired, more for what it didn’t say than for what it did.


Radish Reviews

Natalie Luhrs name should not be unfamiliar to anyone in the genre community blogosphere.  If it is, there’s an easy way to catch up: www.radishreviews.com.

Natalie’s Link roundup is an eye opener and ought to be on any(every)one’s list of weekly reads.

And finally Melissa McEwan’s Shakesville offers up a VERY powerful essay on the kinds of harassment women (and others) experience on a grindingly daily basis.  It should be read.

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