(NOTE: Due to site maintenance our numbers are a little skewed today as we lost reporting on about a day and a half’s worth of data.)
Bloc Voting The Hugo Awards – Death Of A Thousand Cuts
Review – La Femme, edited by Ian Whates
The Conjuring (2013)
Open Source Horror: The Slender Man
The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Proton Transmogrification
Star Wars Episode VII – original cast signed, sealed and delivered
Interview: David Langford and John Clute on The SF Encylopedia
How Not to be an Elitist Snob, or: The Joy of Pansfnalistic Theocrasy (= unity with the divine achieved through contemplation of ALL things science fictional)
Characters: Clare of Claymore
AMAZING NEWS: 4-27-14 Special Hugo Nominating Edition
Coming Monday: Ray Bradbury
Witchfinder General Soundtrack
The Artful Collector: On Illustrators and their “Fine Art”
Ten Things to Consider When Revising Your Novel
MOVIE REVIEW: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
There’s a New Trio of Superheroes in Town
Pick Your Favorite Paul Poll #2: April 1927 – March 1928
Book Review: Chimes at Midnight by Seanan McGuire
There’s Something About Night Vale
Deconstructing Horror: Haunted Houses