Last year the Kick-Ass 2 crew were filming outside my office and I got a tad excited. The iconic Denmark Street in London, famous for its music shops had been turned into a New York street with a yellow taxi and NYPD car. I waited ages to see it in the film and as you’d expect it was about 30 seconds on the screen and the cars weren’t even in shot.
But that aside the film is good. It’s not as great as the first film, but then it hasn’t got the same writers (Jonathan Ross’ wife Goldman worked on the first film). Plus there’s no Big Daddy, aka Nic Cage. But it’s still entertaining and I recommend watching it. Kick-Ass is all grown up as is Hit Girl, but they are still essentially kids.
It’s not as violent as the first one so if that puts you off you will be able to cope!

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