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The Futurama MadHouse

Futurama began in 1939 at the New York World’s Fair (members attending the world’s first science fiction convention made a point of tying some of their promotional materials to the Fair:  after all, who could help you understand the future better than a bunch of science fiction fans?)

But that’s not the Futurama we’re talking about here (and not even 1964’s reprisal, of which I was an avid attendee), but the television show from Matt Groening and company, the one that recently ended its multi-year run.

Yes, we’re talking Leela and Bender, the Professor, Dr. Zoidberg, Scruffy, Amy, Hermes, Nibbler, Zap Branigan, Kif and Lur – stereotypical double-entendres if ever there were some.

futurama (1)

Futurama Madhouse site is a fan resource and networking site chock full of screen savers, video and audio clips, artwork, fan fiction, reviews and far more than Dr. Hubert J. Farnsworth can shake his stick at in a single episode.

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