Amazing News Wednesday, January 30th

WSFA Small Press Award Committee is accepting nominations for its 2013 Award for stories published in 2012.  The submission period will close on April 5.

The Washington Science Fiction Association [] has established a literary award to honor the work done by small presses in promoting and preserving science fiction.

The award, now in its seventh year, is given annually for short fiction works (17,500 words or fewer) of imaginative literature (e.g., science fiction, fantasy, horror, speculative fiction or like literature) published by a small press. Stories may be nominated by SF authors and small press publishers. Details of the nomination process and contact information can be found at [].  If you have any question email: admin (at) wsfasmallpressaward (dot) org.

File 770 has a neat report from James Bacon about a Gaiman Edwards short film Here.

SFSignal’s Tidbits provides dual coverage of a call for a Boycott of Dragon*Con;  first a report from the Comics Reporter and then direct from the boycott organizer herself.

Editorially – I can see both sides of the Kramer-Boycott issue.  It is perhaps shaded by my personal belief that Dragon*Con is/was responsible for the successful rise of commercial cons (at the expense of fannish cons).  Dragon*Con really should have bought Kramer out once he started having legal problems – or at least made arrangements to put Kramer’s percentage into an escrow account pending the outcome of trial(s) so that the convention could honestly say that none of the cons proceeds are going towards Kramer’s defense.  On the other hand, if Kramer doesn’t want to cooperate with having what is likely his primary source of income tied up, there is little that Dragon*Con could do to force the issue.  They might be able to force him to sell his interest, after making some kind of morales/business interference claims, but I suspect that such would cost far more than whatever price Dragon*con is for bad publicity. My (workable?) suggestion:  run the convention at break-even until the trials are over.  But that would probably open them up to claims of deliberately running the company poorly by Kramer.  My other (workable?) suggestion:  let the vendors set up outside the venue/at an alternative location that can be separated from the convention itself.  (See previous caveat though.)


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