The book More Than Human is over 70 years old. In it, Theodore “Ted” Sturgeon posits that a superhuman “Homo gestaltus” can supersede us ordinary people. Is it possible? Steve remains skeptical, but the book’s a winner!
Forty years ago, Steve (with more than A Little Help From His Friends) created MosCon. And It Was Good. But like the Living Dead, MosCon Returned! Is it Still Good? Read and find out! (Hint: You betcha!)
As he has done for the past several years, Steve looks back (without anger) at the previous year’s columns, and hopes you found reading them worthwhile. And now: To Infinity—And Beyond! as someone once said!
This week Steve reviews the latest issue of long-running (but not as long as Amazing Stories!) magazine, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF). Some good reading here!
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