In the first of two columns, Steve deconstructs and reviews James Cameron’s “Aliens,” the first sequel in what proved to be a profitable franchise. What’s he got to say? Read it and find out!
Seventy-nine years after Orson Welles terrified America with The War of the Worlds, BBC Radio productions of The Omen and The Unquenchable Thirst of Dracula prove that the medium retains its power to chill.
Secret agent tales have always carried a hint of science fiction with them – futuristic gadgets, threatened world-wide annihilation. Steve examines Bond’s 60s rival – Flint – and reminds us that James Coburn was COOL.
Grabbers has been dismissed in some quarters for not doing anything original. Well most films don’t do anything original, and Grabbers does achieve a couple of things I’ve never seen before.
…is a freelance editor, writing consultant and story structure expert. To find out more, including hiring me to work on your writing project, read my profile or visit my website, To The Last Word.
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