Chi-Fi Gets It Right

K. Ceres Wright highlights the recent announcement by the Chi-Fi convention that they are rescheduling their convention because the venue might not be welcoming to fans.

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Characters That Will Always Remain

Is anime a way for some of us to retain our childhood fancies? Or do we recognize ourselves in the characters we’ve chosen to admire? Morgana Santilli discusses her reasons for her favorite characters when she was younger and how her preference have changed with growing up.

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Today’s absolutely cool website is Rob Hansen’s Fan Stuff – UK & general fannish history – in depth!

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How Not To Host A Website -or- The Further Adventures Of A Twentieth Centure Computer Illiterate In the Twenty-First Century

As late as twenty years ago a fanzine panel at a VCON would draw thirty to forty fen, all curious, many enthusiastic, all appreciative of any sprightly and hilarious tales to be told springing from fanac lore, tradition, and experience. But now…
I stopped participating in convention panels promoting fanzine fandom when the four panelists on the panel outnumbered the audience four-to-one…

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Ooky Spooky Animanga Part V: The Japanese Fascination with Spirits

Every culture has its ghost stories. Here in the West, ours tend toward narratives depicting souls who died violent deaths and have returned to take revenge. Or perhaps we tell tales of those who have died too soon and only wish for eternal playmates. As I briefly mentioned in my post last week, the Japanese have a very rich and far-reaching pantheon of spooks. The majority of these ghosts and their stories grew out of the Edo period (1603-1867; thus why a show like Mononoke asserts itself as particularly Japanese horror), and ghost stories with a certain antiquated style to them, or an air of the past, are usually referred to as kaiden (mysterious or strange recited narrative), whereas more modern horror stories would simply be called hora (a Japanization of “horror”).

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