Amazing Stories is adding another romance language to its mix of foreign language posts. Steven Bianchini will be providing regular Popular Post round ups in Italian beginning in the next week or so.
And in other, totally unrelated news, John Scalzi, ranconteur, toastmaster, Hugo Award winning fan writer (and Hugo Award winning novelist) will be touring his latest book – Lock In.
This time around he’s not forsaken tiny New Hampshire (home of the Amazing Stories Empire) and will be paying a visit to Gibsons’ Book Store in Concord, NH on Tuesday, September 16th, beginning at 7:00 pm. (Get there early: Gibsons is a great bookstore and you’ll want to look around their new digs!)
Members of the Amazing Stories team will be there to meet & greet him…we might even bring a few things along with us!
(If you live in or near NH and plan on attending, let us know.)