Unexpected Questions with Al Sirois

Al Sirois is a writer, ghostwriter, developmental editor, and graphic artist with a prolific career. His journey began with the sale of his inaugural story in 1973. Over the years, Al’s fictional works have graced the pages of esteemed publications like Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Fantastic, Amazing Stories, and various online platforms such as Electric Spec, Mystery Weekly, Every Day Fiction, and Flash Fiction Online, among others. Interestingly, his initial venture into the world of books was a children’s book, “DINOSAUR DRESS UP,” published by William Morrow in 1992. Since then, Al has continued to contribute to the literary world, authoring numerous novels primarily in the realms of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, occasionally delving into mainstream fiction. Additionally, he has showcased his versatility by ghostwriting over a dozen works encompassing science fiction, fantasy, memoirs, and cozy mysteries. 


If you were stranded on a deserted planet with only one book to read, but it turned out to be one of your own, how would you feel?

As long as it was THE BOHEMIAN MAGICIAN, I’d be cool with it. Of course, I’d find yet another goddam uncorrected typo. Now, if I were stranded with only one album (CD, whatever) to listen to, it’d have to be Miles Davis’s Kind of Blue. Best jazz album ever made. If it had to be rock, I’d go with Rubber Soul.

If you could have any fictional pet as a companion, what would it be and why?

A tiny purple rhinoceros with sucker feet. I mean, let’s face it: genetic modification oughta allow a guy to have some fun, right?
If you had to choose between being a time traveler or a space explorer, which would you pick and why?
I have to go with the time traveler here, even though I’d love to explore space. At least I’d know I could breathe the air and eat the food. Plus, I’m good with a gun and any time period I want to visit will have those. And my writing and art skills would ensure that I’d be able to make a living in any time period.

If you could transport yourself to any fictional universe you’ve seen in a book you liked, which universe would you go to? 

Probably The Expanse’s world. Yes, I know it’s also a TV show, but I really like the books, especially the first one. Except for the vomit zombies.
If you could transport yourself to any fictional universe you’ve seen in a television show or movie, which universe would you go to?


Star Trek, because I like the franchise’s optimism. I suppose Star Wars is relatively optimistic, but I think Trek’s starships are cooler. I don’t want to get stuck in any musicals, though.
A testament to his ongoing success, Al recently secured a story sale to Black Cat Mystery Weekly for a tale titled “An Adventure Aloft.” Looking ahead to 2024, Regal House Press is set to publish the first volume of Al’s middle-grade trilogy set in ancient Egypt (third dynasty), bearing the title “MURDER IN MENNEFER.”
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