Today, we welcome back to the blog author Cat Rambo, who has brought with them some snippets from her newest novel, Rumor Has It. Let us stroll through the garden of their mind as they take us through their Big Idea for book number three.
For me, space opera is very much about spectacle: big glittering vistas of outsized things, fabulous futuristic visions, panoply and splendor. And so I knew for the third book, I wanted a stage that provided that, and which lived up to the previous book and the point where they visit the interior of a dead giant space moth. So I came up with one of the central parts of Rumor Has It: the gardens of Coralind.
I wanted each garden to be different. One of my favorites is Remembrance, which Niko and Jezli visit:
The colors there were muted, the space vast but hushed as a cathedral, wreathed in quiet. Silvery-gray walkways stretched from one door to another, and the railing bordering them was webbed with grayish-black moss that hung in low trails, scattered with tiny white flowers…
Great round orbs floated here and there in the chamber. Every once in a while, two would collide and merge into a single entity, or one would encounter the edge of a walkway and collapse into fine white powder that hung like smoke in the air. One came toward them and collapsed at Nikos touch, the ashy powder scattering across them. Scentless and silty, it brushed aside easily, but as it did, a sound came from the air around them: Roxana, Roxana…
Rumor Has It: Amazon|Barnes & Noble|Bookshop|Powell’s
Source: The Big Idea: Cat Rambo
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