REAL Science Fiction People Wear Convention Wear(TM) Shirts

Pics or no proof, right?

Here you go: the Enterprise’s transporter in Quick Change mode!

Before beaming down to whatever planet he is currently gracing with his presence, David Gerrold has programmed the transporter (oh, lets be real, Scotty did it for him) to attire him in clothing that will soothe the natives and won’t violate the Prime Directive!

David is, of course, the author of one of Star Trek’s greatest episodes – The Trouble With Tribbles – but he is also an award-winning science fiction author, script writer, champion elevator racer, proud father, enormously proud grandfather, a voice of reason, an advocate for good things, a friend and one of the best people in the biz!

David’s got a Patreon – right now he’s sharing a script for an unproduced television show based on his War Against the Chtorr series (which shoulda been produced!), almost daily limericks, tales of family life and more!

But there’s more, lots more, including –

The Amazing Selects collection – Adrift In the Sea of Souls

There’s Hella that we reviewed when it was first released – “A master of science fiction introduces a world where everything is large and the problems of survival even larger in this exciting new novel.”

There’s his earlier work – The Man Who Folded Himself, When Harlie Was One 2.0, the Star Wolf Trilogy, his award-winning book that was made into a film – The Martian Child, on of my faves (not that others aren’t as well)  The Flying Sorcerers (with Larry Niven), numerous short stories that have recently appeared in Analog and Fantasy & Science Fiction and, if (like us) you’re into older televisions from that era when episodes had story, you can find him behind the scenes of The Land of the Lost (David is the Sleestak King!), the Animated Ghostbusters series and two episodes of Tales From The Darkside, episodes of Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Phase II, Babylon 5.  He was the story editor for most of the first season of Star Trek, TNG, a Worldcon Guest of Honor (and Hugo Awards  MC) and, well, the world is just a better place with a person like David in it.

And we’d be saying these things whether he wore an Amazing Stories Convention Wear(TM) shirt or not!

David is shown wearing the “Martian War Machines” design, reproducing Frank R. Paul’s cover illustration for Amazing Stories publication of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds in the August, 1927 issue.

You can get your own Convention Wear shirt right here!

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