New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for APRIL 10

Here’s the weekly post from my author blog on the new releases I found to be of interest in my three favorite romance genres (which are also the ones I write in!), and related areas such as time travel, steampunk, paranormal cozy romances and more. I do sometimes cover other releases of note in science fiction and fantasy.

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts). I don’t pick up every single new release each week but try to provide a representative subset and lots of choices.

Here’s a teaser for this week’s first two books (jump to the blog to see the approximately 75+ titles featured this week):


Things don’t play out in Alliance quite the way they do in the rest of the world. That’s because most of the people in Alliance are not human — they’re Variant. A species of elite soldier forcibly created by the government in an effort to create the perfect warrior, the perfect weapon. Finally liberated, the Variant people live in their own community — Alliance — where they are free to be themselves. Which means their instincts are free to rule. Which instincts? Well, they’re predators, so it could be anything. Law, who’s the face of the Variant, the liaison between all governmental agencies and the Variant people as a whole, is the epitome of reason, calm, control, and dependability. Except for the indisputable manipulation he’s gone to in order to bring his mate to Alliance and keep her there. It’s no wonder she’s mistrusting now, leaving Alliance and Law far behind the first chance she gets. She’s forgotten one thing, though… Law is not human. Now he’s thrown his carefully constructed reputation out the window and has become the hunter, succumbing to the addictive need of having his mate within reach. He will not stop until he finds her and brings her screaming all the way back to Alliance, if that’s what it takes. And then there’s Vicious, cursed to live what remains of his life in…(more blurb on ebook seller’s page)


I am more than an alien alpha’s captive. I am the personal possession of a saurian executioner. Avel is massive, dominant, and more than capable of handling his human prisoner. He has a complete mastery of the sky, the city – and me. I have been out of control for years. Operating well beyond the bounds of any law, I have roamed the universe striking fear into those I encounter. But Avel is not afraid of me. My attempts to escape are met with punishment. My inevitable rebellion is not tolerated. I am shown his true nature, and in doing so, I discover my own. I am trained into obedience. I am made softer, sweeter, and happier. And when I am captured? That is when my saurian master shows his full capacity for cold, cruel revenge. You touch me? You will beg to die.

Read more on Veronica Scott’s blog…

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