Book View Cafe Readings: Pause by Sara Stamey, as read by Jennifer Stevenson

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Today’s reading is from Sara Stamey’s Pause, as read by Jennifer Stevenson

Sara Stamey’s journeys include treasure hunting and teaching scuba in the Caribbean; backpacking Greece and New Zealand; operating a nuclear reactor; and owning a farm in Southern Chile. Fourth-generation in the Pacific Northwest, she taught creative writing at Western Washington University. She’s an ardent outdoors person and shares her creekside land with wild creatures and her cat, dog, and paleontologist husband Thor Hansen.

Sara’s SF novels with Berkley/Ace made Locus Best New Novelists. The Statesman Journal calls her Islands “a superior mystery and suspense novel… a stomping, vivid ride.” Her near-future Greek islands thriller, The Ariadne Connection, has received the Cygnus Award for speculative fiction and a Chanticleer Global Thriller Grand Prize.

Her latest novel Pause won First Place in the Somerset Awards for Women’s Fiction, and is a selection of the International Pulpwood Queens Book Club.

You can learn more on her website.

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