FYI: In case you are losing track, yes, 1974 was fifty years ago.
New Grading Service now offered for Pulp magazines
Political candidate builds flamethrower, burns books. (No, it’s not a retro piece from the 1930s)
An Interview with an Octavia Butler Scholar
An image of the Earth and the Moon, taken from a probe orbiting Mercury (Never imagined I’d ever write a sentence like that!)
China is an “Orwellian Nightmare”
Barkley interviews McCarty (audio file)
Tardigrade Indestructability Explained
Damian Walter talks about the long, slow death of the Hugo Awards
Space: 1999 – spaceship model work (gallery) (Somehow, this show survived more than a single season, unlike some black horror film stars)
Thirty Black Science Fiction Authors You Should Read (Now, cause, you know, the end of the film is fast approaching…)
Around the dinner table, some people are talking about the McCarty interview.
Narrator secured for The Book of One Kickstarter
In 1926, the “Father of Science Fiction”, Hugo Gernsback, advised his readers to become amateur scientists, claiming that many technological breakthroughs were based on such work and who knew where the next greatest thing would come from? In 2024, SF Reader and contributor, Steve Fahnestalk, heeded those words and developed and manufactured a new technology that will forever alter the lives of domesticated felines and their servants – the Pate Partitioner.
The Milky Way Galaxy is in a Void (bubbles within bubbles)
Agranoff reviews Spinrad’s Riding the Torch
Also for Black History Month: Neil Rest brings our attention to a Black Jewish Jazz Musician
US Cybersecurity not ready for anticipated upcoming onslaught during election season
“Atlantic Conveyer” current beginning to show signs of collapse. (This is the major loop current that is largely responsible for making western Europe habitable)
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