AMAZING NEWS: January 14, 2024

First Moon Landing Mission in Decades

First Moon Landing in Decades will NOT happen

NASA’s Artemis missions delayed

Forget Ralph Milne Farley’s Radio Planet, now we’ve got Giant Radio Rings in space

15 Upcoming Science Fiction Shows

From the Department of Historical Un-Erasure Department:  Millicent Patrick, Disney Animator

From the Plasticene Era:  Nano Plastics are in your water and in your cells

China Meiville and Keanu Reeves collaborated on an SF novel

Where did the real King Kong go?  Scientists think they know

Upcoming FANAC Fan History Zoom: An Interview with Joe Green January 20, 2024 – 3PM EST, Noon PST, 8PM London GMT and 7AM Jan 21 in Melbourne.  Send an email to the link to view.

Lost Cities Revealed in the Amazon

AI Says Fingerprints aren’t unique

Discworld Discount!   Get ALL with this special bundle

Titan has disappearing islands in its ethane-methane seas.  Scientists believe they are formed from organic materials

THIS is the Voice of World Control:  AI narrators are taking over the genre audio book market (Nifty chart)

Terry Bisson – 1942-2024


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And now, more News –

UK Postal Service Victimized by AI

Supermarkets are phasing out DVDs and BluRays

Message from the Chairman of Glasgow 2024

Close Approach to Io

Rick Sternbach designed some decals for modelers

New Releases:  Vincent O’Neil has a story in the latest issue of Andromeda Spaceways magazine

Doug Ellis wants to remind you of the upcoming Windy City Pulp & Paper convention this April

Predictions of the Future, From the Past:  The Futurists

A Venn Diagram to help you understand online discussions of AI

Need a conspiracy theory?  Blame the Jews

Nnedi Okorafor profiled by the NY Times

TOR to be renamed REACTOR (Amazing Stories will not be renamed Interocitor)

The latest issue of Ansible (which will also not be renamed Walkie-Talkie)

NYT sues OpenAI

Preserved Dino Skin Discovered

Upcoming Releases:  Paul Di Filippo reveals the cover for Vangie’s Ghosts


Upcoming Releases:  Darrell Schweitzer unveils the contents of his latest anthology Cold War Cthulhu

In yet another “challenge” to the universe as we know it:  Giant Ring Megastructure

Chris Garcia appears in a documentary titled Nazis vs Aliens

Covers Revealed:  Glynn Owen Barass shares a photo of all of the publications her work has appeared in

Tony Peak thinks technological advance is rendering science fiction obsolete



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