Reading the SF Encyclopedia One Random Entry At A Time: Dogora

I’m always keen to learn about new SF films, especially ones I’ve never heard of before (new and not heard of before are not necessarily synonymous).

Today’s random entry brings word of one-such, a Japanese film from 1964 – Dogora.

Its something of a Kaiju film, if your definition of Kaiju extends to single-celled creatures.

So far as 60s Japanese monster/SF films go – the dubbing isn’t terrible and the film itself looks to be pretty well made and acted.

Younger audiences might not receive it as well as someone who grew up watching Godzilla, Mothra and the like on Creature Feature shows, but there’s definitely some nostalgia-goodness to be had from seeing the model work and cliches like scares policemen pointing white-gloved fingers into the sky.

The SFE’s entry covers the actors and actresses, gives the film good marks and has this to say:

Dogora is an enjoyable film, with some impressive special effects, particularly of squid Dogora in the clouds and the devastation of the coal industry. The Komai sub-plot has a few good moments but is over-long, often dull and gets in the way of the main story. How Dogora, usually a group of amoeba-like blobs, becomes a squid creature at one point is unclear.

And here’s a couple of screen grabs to whet your appetite.

You can watch Godora on the Internet Archive

(There are two versions posted to the Internet Archive.  I believe I’ve linked to the better one.)

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