Introducing the Illustrators of the Future Winners of 2023

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39

These winners are featured in Writers of the Future Volume 39.

For over 34 years, the Illustrators of the Future Contest has been discovering and nurturing aspiring artists and providing a platform for their artistic talents to be seen and acknowledged.

This is how the Contest works: Entrants from around the world enter three pieces of science fiction/fantasy art to the Illustrators of the Future Contest. There are no restrictions as to age, race, gender, religion or ideology. All art is judged anonymously.

Each quarter, the panel of judges selects three new contest winners. At the end of the Contest year, all 12 artists are each commissioned (with a 30-day deadline) to create a full-page color illustration for one of the Writers of the Future Contest winning stories. That illustration is featured in color in the annual anthology and is the subject of a second-phase competition for the annual grand prize Golden Brush Award.

Below are the pieces of art that won the first phase of the competition. Get a copy of Writers of the Future Volume 39 to see their commissioned story illustrations.

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