An interesting piece on the History of Babylon 5. (Which keeps sending out signals of a possible reboot.)
Moshe Feder shares a pic posted by Mike Resnick of Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton attending the “original Relaxacon”. (Editorial aside: Note the attire. Cons don’t look like that anymore, relaxacon or no.)
The Guardian addresses mumbled dialogue in this article on subtitles.
If 2001: A Space Odyssey had been directed by Lucas (video). (Just guessing here but I think there’d have been more [bad[ dialogue in that version.)
John Scalzi’s The Kaiju Preservation Society wins an Alex Award.
Alex Shvartsman discusses science fiction in translation
David Brin recounts a Modest Proposal
Philo Thoughts Offers some insite on the contrasting warnings of Huxley and Orwell
Dave Langford has published three more TAFF reports – Bob Madle, Len & June Moffat & Ron Ellik’s.
A New Dickhead’s Podcast features an interview with Ray Nelson’s son
Karl Kofoed mentions some of his books in passing
Farah Mendlesohn draws our attention to this interesting bit of advice for reviewers: Anti-Racist Scholarly Reviewing Practices
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