CONTRARY BRIN: Lifting our gaze to… the Moon? And beyond?


Lifting our gaze to… the Moon? And beyond?

I have some way cool space news to report below. But first a familiar rant. While I disagree with this White House white paper on USA efforts to colonize the Moon, I understand the reasons for issuing this statement.

“It’s very clear that this (the Artemis mission to rush US astronauts to a footprint ritual on Luna) is not just about the research and the science, but it’s also going to be about the economic prospects from the moon,” explained Namrata Goswami, an independent space policy analyst. “Until now, the US has been very reticent to so clearly engage in a manufacturing use of lunar resources.”

Except for one problem – there are no ‘lunar resources’ accessible in the near future except some deposits of polar ice. And lots of poison dust.

Source: CONTRARY BRIN: Lifting our gaze to… the Moon? And beyond?

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