Supposedly, you can see this black hole with a backyard telescope.  (Some of my friends have backyard telescopes so big they had to haver an observatory built around it)

Stephenson says rockets are over-hyped

Europa and Io movie

Artist Bob Eggleton shares some commentary on cosplay

“Black Hot Ice” (no, not a Rapper name) may be most common form of water

Kat Tanaka Okopnik draws our attention to fantasy costuming

Epic ST:TOS Reunion!

An update on the UFO anthology project

UN Criticizes China, releases report on human rights abuses

Sometimes, it’s not safe to go back to the woods:  Winnie the Pooh: Blood & Honey trailer

Judge tosses book censorship attempt

P.n. Elrod wants you to know about THIS!

Ansible’s latest edition

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