I’m guessing that some of you have managed to miss one of the greatest literary achievements of this current millennium, and, more recently, of this, the second decade that very same new millennium.
It should not be surprising to find journalistic trends being set by the same people who brought us the wildly successful feline author – Timothy the Talking Cat – and it isn’t, surprisingly.
On the other hand, we are always pleased when a work purporting to be a serialized summary of the history of the Hugo Awards and its puppy “interludes” starts out by opening with your name – especially when the remainder of the article makes it clear that the “Steve Davidson” being referred to is, in fact, YOU, and not one of the other four thousand some odd other Steve Davidson’s that can be found on Facebook.
Camestros Felapton has been assiduously writing up, in serialized fashion, a true and complete history of the WSFS – Puppy(s) Kerfuffle in an informative, accurate and entertaining manner.
He’s now on part 39 – yes, Part 39 – of a comprehensive piece he is referring to as “The Debarkle”. Part 39 is sub-titled as “2015: April – The Finalists”.
I have no doubt that this discourse, when concluded, will be optioned for a major motion picture, with the only real question being, who will play me? We don’t want someone too good-looking as that would tend to distract from the intellectual nature of my character (by far a more important feature of my character than my ravishing good looks); some have suggested that Steve Buscemi would be a good match, but I’m going to hold out for Samuel Jackson or maybe even Morgan Freeman (anyone who gets tapped to play both the POTUS AND God is a good match for me). (Besides, I would truly enjoy defending the choice if others chose to object along “reverse white-washing” lines.)
All of this by way of saying that not only am I pleased to see my role featured in such a way, but also that, despite the necessary presence of other individuals, you really should be reading this accounting in progress. It’s both informative, accurate AND entertaining, just like any novel or story that might be given consideration for a Hugo Award nod.
In fact, if this work is finished this year, I’ll be nominating it for a Hugo (Best Related) next year!
You can read my star-turn here, or start from the beginning here.
Who wouldn’t want Samuel Jackson to play them in a biopic? Great choice.