1945 Retro-Hugo Winners
CoNZealand presented the 1945 Retro-Hugos today. The results included the first tie in the award’s history, for the Best Dramatic Presentation – Short Form Retro-Hugo. (The full voting stats are online, and Deputy Hugo Awards Administrator Nicholas Whyte has done

2020 Sir Julius Vogel Awards
The winners were announced today at CoNZealand. The awards recognize excellence in science fiction, fantasy and horror by New Zealanders. The winners were decided by a vote of the members of SFFANZ, the Science Fiction and Fantasy

2020 Hugo Awards
CoNZealand presented the in an online ceremony today. Full voting statistics are here. Deputy Hugo Administrator Nicholas Whyte’s analysis is here. 2020 Hugo Awards Best Novel A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine (Tor; Tor UK) Best

2020 WSFS Business Meeting
By Kevin Standlee: The WSFS Business Meeting was probably the shortest such meeting ever held, albeit not the smallest, despite fears of being able to achieve the quorum of 12 members of WSFS physically present. Because New Zealand isn’t in

CoNZealand Chairs Apologize for Some Hugo Ceremony Flaws
After last night’s Hugo Awards ceremony CoNZealand posted “An apology from the CoNZealand Chairs”: We acknowledge that we got some things wrong at the Hugo Awards Ceremony today, and through doing so have hurt members of our community. We sincerely

Top 10 Stories for July 2020
An Open Letter mainly signed by UK writers and fans criticizing the eligibility of a Saudi Arabian Worldcon bid engendered fierce discussion, turning it into File 770’s most-read post in July. (The 2022 Worldcon – as expected — was voted

2020 ENnie Awards
The 2020 ENnie and Judges Spotlight Winners were announced July 31 via a live streaming event in partnership with Gen Con Online. The ENnie Awards are an annual, fan-based juried award system for all tabletop RPGs. The ENnies were created in 2001 as

Pixel Scroll 7/31/20 And I Won’t Forget To Scroll Pixels On Your Grave
ALACTIC WALKTHROUGH. Journalists get a virtual tour as “Virgin Galactic Unveils Comfy Cabin for Jet-Setting to the Edge of Space” reports the New York Times. The inside of Virgin Galactic’s space plane is like a space-age executive jet. The

Schluessel: My Zoom Background Censored Again
Guest Post By Edmund Schluessel: Worldcon staff have once again policed and censored my Zoom background. This morning starting around 9 a.m. New Zealand time I was observing the Interplanetary Immigration Project presentation. Early in the program item I noticed my

Authors Pull Stories from Flashing Swords #6
Editor Robert Price set off a rebellion among the contributors to his revival of a classic fantasy anthology series, Lin Carter’s Flashing Swords #6, when they got a look at the political diatribe in his Introduction to the book. Cliff Biggers,

Australia 2025 Worldcon Bid Announced
A bid to host the 2025 Worldcon in Brisbane, Australia has been organized. Their Twitter account identifies Devin Madson as one co-chair, who responded to File 770’s question that Leife Shallcross is the other. There is one other group bidding

2020 Prix Rosny Aîné Shortlist
The shortlist for the Prix Rosny Aîné 2020 for French science fiction has been announced by Joseph Altairac, awards secretary. There are two categories, novels and short stories. The winners, decided by a vote of the members, will be revealed at

Pixel Scroll 7/30/20 Can I Scroll There By Pixel-Light? Yes, And Back Again
TAKING NOTES. I’d love to see more panel reports of this kind. (2) FAN FUNDS AUCTION. Alison Scott announced that today’s CoNZealand Fan Funds auction raised 2190$NZD for GUFF, TAFF, DUFF and FFANZ. (3) YOU GOT YOUR POLITICS IN

Chicago Wins 2022 Site Selection Vote
Chicago has won the vote to host the 80th Worldcon, to be held September 1-5, 2022 (Labor Day Weekend in the U.S.). CoNZealand Site Selection administrator Alan Stewart read off the vote tally during a Zoom meeting. There were 587

2020 Hugo Ceremony Livestream Will Be Open To All
CoNZealand’s 2020 Hugo Awards Ceremony livestream on The Fantasy Network will be available for viewing by the general public, no membership required. Depending on your time zone, the ceremony takes place July 31 at 7:00 p.m. EDT, 4:00 p.m. PDT,

Open Letter Organizer Discusses Chengdu Worldcon Bid
[Introduction: Anna Smith Spark organized the Open Letter To The World Science Fiction Society about the Saudi Arabia Worldcon bid. File 770 asked if she had plans to address other bids, such as the Worldcon bid for Chengdu, China in

2020 Diana Jones Award
The winner of the for Excellence in Gaming is Black Excellence in Gaming. The Diana Jones Award committee has decided to do something different this year. For our community to continue to grow and improve, we must

Pixel Scroll 7/29/20 It Appears To Be Some Sort Of Pixel Scroll
RED HOT RETRO-HUGOS. The 1945 Retro-Hugos were presented at CoNZealand today – see the winners here. The full voting stats are online, and Deputy Hugo Awards Administrator Nicholas Whyte also has done a quick analysis of the results. (2)

Chengdu Bid Committee Officially Established to Facilitate Worldcon 2023 Bid
The bidders to hold the 2023 Worldcon in Chengdu, China held a kickoff meeting to publicize their efforts on July 28, the day before the start of CoNZealand. Those attending saw video messages from well-known sff authors Liu Cixin, Wang

CoNZealand Hugo Bases Revealed
James Brown’s design for the 1945 Retro Hugo base, and John Flower’s design for the 2020 Hugo Award base were shown to the public for the first time during CoNZealand’s virtual Opening Ceremonies on July 28. Retro Hugos James Brown

First Fandom Awards at CoNZealand
Three First Fandom awards were presented during CoNZealand’s Opening Ceremonies. The First Fandom Hall of Fame, created in 1963, is a prestigious achievement award given to a living recipient who has made significant contributions to Science Fiction throughout their lifetime.

2020 Big Heart Award
The 2020 David A Kyle Big Heart Award winners were announced at CoNZealand Opening Ceremonies — Janice Gelb and Stephen Boucher of Windsor, Victoria, Australia. The award citation tells why they were selected for fandom’s Big Heart Award: The two

Virtual Worldcon Kicks Off
CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, kicked off today as the first ever virtual Worldcon. At the opening ceremony, New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, welcomed the participants: “I’m sorry I couldn’t welcome you here in person, though it

Pixel Scroll 7/28/20 We Have Pixelsign The Likes Of Godstalk Has Never Seen!
OPEN DISCUSSION OF OPEN LETTER. Several authors have responded to the challenges raised in the letter posted here: “Writers Circulate Letter of Concern About Saudi Worldcon Bid”. Robert J. Sawyer wrote extensive comments about the Open Letter in this public

2020 Emmy Award Nominations
The 72nd annual Emmy Awards nominees were revealed July 28. HBO’s Watchmen gathered 26 nominations, the most for any series. The Mandalorian scored 15. The Emmy Awards will be presented September 20. The categories with nominees of genre interest follow

CoNZealand Fringe Schedule
CoNZealand Fringe organizers Claire Rousseau, Adri Joy, Alasdair Stuart and Marguerite Kenner, Cheryl Morgan and Cassie Hart have assembled “a series of complementary genre fiction programming at European-friendly times.” In the tradition of Edinburgh Fringe and other international collateral events, CoNZealand Fringe has been created

Writers Circulate Letter of Concern About Saudi Worldcon Bid
Anna Smith Spark, a grimdark author from London, has organized an open “letter of concern” with several dozen co-signers, including Charles Stross, about the bid to bring the Worldcon to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 2022, which will be voted on

2020 Manly Wade Wellman Award
The for North Carolina Science Fiction and Fantasy winner was announced July 27. A Fall in Autumn by Michael G. Williams (Falstaff Books) The North Carolina Speculative Fiction Foundation created The Manly Wade Wellman Award in 2013

2019 Ladies of Horror Fiction Awards
The Ladies of Horror Fiction review site team has announced the selections for their . Best Collection Little Paranoias, Sonora Taylor Best Debut The Luminous Dead, Caitlin Starling Best Poetry Collection Choking Back the Devil, Donna

Pixel Scroll 7/27/20 Sir! I’ve Isolated The Reverse Pixel Flux Coupling!
CAN VIRTUAL CONS BE MADE BETTER? In “What Lessons Can Future Conventions Learn From Virtual San Diego Comic-Con?”, Io9 staffers Beth Elderkin, Jill Pantozzi, Cheryl Eddy, James Whitbrook, Charles Pulliam-Moore, and Germain Lussier assess what didn’t work about SDCC

2020 World Fantasy Awards Final Ballot
The World Fantasy Awards 2020 nominees have been announced. The awards will be presented by World Fantasy Con 2020, a virtual convention being held October 29-November 1. The award judges are: Gwenda Bond, Galen Dara, Michael Kelly, Victor LaValle, and Adam Roberts. LIFETIME

2020 Ditmar Preliminary Ballot
The preliminary ballot for the Australian SF (“Ditmar”) Awards for 20202 has been made available for comment and correction before becoming final. The nominees are award-eligible works and persons first nominated by fans and members of the Australian NatCon which have been

2020 Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award
The is presented today to: Rick Raphael(1917-1994) The jury particularly cites: Raphael’s 1966 fixup novel Code Three, composed of three shorter works the first two of which were published in Analog and were each separately nominated for the Hugo Award.

Marvel Heroes Transform Into Classic Marvel Horror Monsters
This October, Marvel’s proud history of horror themed comics, from Werewolf by Night to Tomb of Dracula, will be honored in a series of Horror Variant covers. Prepare to see your favorite Marvel characters like you’ve never seen them before as the X-Men,

Pixel Scroll 7/26/20 I Feel My Temperature Rising, Higher Higher, It’s Pixelling Through To My Scroll
RETRO ROCKET. [Item by Jeffrey Smith] A documentary crew’s attempt to find a 100-year-old rocket: “Space Oddity” in The Washington Post Magazine. This one has special interest for me because this is where I live — not Venus,

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