Amazing Stories Kickstarter is now in the home stretch; we’re at 65+% of our goal, with a little more than two days remaining.
We hope you’ll consider helping put us over the top.
We’ve done some great and wonderful things over the past couple of years: revived a hallowed name; introduced award winning poetry, stories selected for Best of the Year anthologies, won a Best Magazine of the Year award, even helped launch a television series – and all because fans like those reading this now helped us do it.
We need a bit over $4,000 to reach out goal. To put this in some perspective:
We need just 828 people to donate $5 each. Five bucks! That’s like…a cup of coffee these days.
We need less than 100 fans, if each donated $50. That’s like two new hardbacks at the bookstore.
Similarly, we’d need less than fifty fans to donate $100 each. Only Fifty! That’s less than one night in a convention hotel.
Or just four people to donate $1000.00. Less than a trip to a convention – which you can’t attend anyways these days (unless its virtual like AmazingCon II)
A cup of coffee, a couple of books, a con attendance. As Heinlein once said “beer money”.
Please send us your beer money (for the day, the week, the month) and help us bring this campaign home!
You can find out more here on our Kickstarter site
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