Amazing Stories Kickstarter Meets Its Goal!

With nine hours to go, friends and fans of the magazine helped put our most recent fundraiser over the top – and exceed it by more than 5%.

There’s still a third of a day left to the campaign – why not check it our and help us exceed out goal my Morer?!

Details, including an explanatory video and backer reward levels, can be found on our Kickstarter site –

and our graphic below depicts a portion of a future front cover illustration

Amazing Stories Year Two - Once More Dear Friends

Please take a moment to support Amazing Stories with a one-time or recurring donation via Patreon. We rely on donations to keep the site going, and we need your financial support to continue quality coverage of the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres as well as supply free stories weekly for your reading pleasure.

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Amazing Stories Kickstarter: T-Minus 23 Hours and Counting. 72% Fueled

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Remembered Reads: Larry Niven and Known Space

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