Speculative Literature Foundation Deep Dish Reading Series
The latest Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF) Deep Dish Reading series was held on August 8 at Volumes Book Cafe in Chicago, Illinois. Co-hosted by award-winning author Mary Anne Mohanraj and Chris Bauer, the event featured readings by Scott Woods, S.L.
Ed Kramer Indicted in Hacking Case
A Gwinnett County (GA) jury has indicted Superior Court Judge Kathryn Schrader, and three men — private investigator T.J. Ward, former Forsyth County sheriff’s detective Frank Karic, and Dragon Con co-founder Ed Kramer — on three counts of computer trespass
Tiptree Name Will Be Removed from Award
The Tiptree Award Motherboard today tweeted its intention to change the name of the award: This reverses the decision they announced at the start of the month and had explained in-depth in “Alice Sheldon and the name of the Tiptree
Pixel Scroll 9/20/19 Pixels Are Finite, Scrolls Are Infinite
TIPTREE BIOGRAPHER COMMENTS FURTHER. Julie Phillips, author of James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon blogged about “On Tiptree and naming” on September 17. A number of people are reading the manner of Alli and Ting’s
Pixel Scroll 9/19/19 The SJW Credential That Sleeps On You From Nowhere
MATCHLESS PROSE, WE HOPE. Will Frank (scifantasy), Vice-Administrator of the 2016 Hugo Awards and Administrator of the 2021 Hugo Awards, who also identifies himself as a fanfiction writer on AO3 and a trademark attorney, is trying to pour some
Pixel Scroll 9/18/19 Scrolls Move In Mysterious Ways Their Pixels To Perform
BLOGGER BLOWS AWAY SHORT SFF REVIEW SITE. Jason McGregor of Featured Futures just announced he is going to quit promoting and reviewing short sff and has gone so far as to delete hundreds of posts from his site: “The
Brought to You By The Letter Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
The day before yesterday Richard Fox answered File 770’s article “Perjury, Not Piracy, Is the Problem” in a post on his blog, “If someone asks you to remove pirated stories, and you refuse, you’re wrong. All stop.” [Internet Archive link.]
Dublin 2019 Closing Message
Dublin 2019 distributed a goodbye newsletter to members today with links to some interesting items. The Souvenir Book. A downloadable PDF of the souvenir book is now available as a free download. (Dropbox link, 21MB file) Queue Survey Results. This
Pixel Scroll 9/17/19 Lady Scrollhill’s Rosebud Pixlet
HEADHUNTING. LAD Bible previews a project coming to YouTube on September 25: “A Mockumentary Has Been Made About Star Wars’ Most Famous Blooper”. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… a stormtrooper smashed their head on
2019 Creative Arts Emmy Awards
The were held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles on September 14 and 15. The two-night ceremony preceded the 71st Primetime Emmy Awards which will be aired on September 22. Emmys were handed out
2019 Deutscher Phantastik Preis Shortlist
The Deutscher Phantastik Preis 2019 shortlist was posted September 16. Voting is open through October 31 to determine the winners in each category. The award honors speculative fiction published for the first time in German language during the previous year.
Pixel Scroll 9/16/19 Fifth Scroll And 770 Pixels Ago
MILO BANNED FROM FURRY CON. Midwest Furfest denied Milo Yiannopoulos from attending their event this December. “Hate is not welcome at Midwest FurFest. We are dedicated to providing a safe, harassment-free convention experience for all, regardless of age, race,
National Palindrome Week
By John Hertz: In the United States a date is often written as Our Gracious Host does. For example, September 17, 2019 is often written 9/17/19. If you
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