SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Amazing Stories is proud to announce that Jack Clemons’ Safely to Earth has won the NFPW’s National Award for Memoir. You can read samples of some of the blog posts that would be collected for this work right here
Actor Kelly Marie Tran Gets Standing Ovation at Star Wars Celebration (after being hounded off of social media by jerks)
Harry Reid on the Rise of Anti-Semitism
A New National Holiday? Lets Celebrate Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox as a teaching tool (How the hell are retailers going to make any money selling white flags?)
A Case FOR “Chain Migration” – Isaac Asimov
The Following Program Contains Adult Language. Of COURSE it does, it’s Gene Wolfe, Harlan Ellison and Isaac Asimov
Gareth Powell on BBC Radio Talking About Fleet of Knives
Ummm…here’s a visual comment on Disney’s Acquisition of Star Wars
Mark Whalberg IS the Six Billion Dollar Man (don’t they have to up the price tag for inflation? it’d be 35 billion today…)
Alastair Reynolds Explores Time Travel
DirectTV Wants to know which is better, LOTR the movie or LOTR, the book(s). (Reminder. We’re a literary fandom)
A Plethora of Photos of Australian Fans at Australian Conventions; all have been turned 180 degrees for easier viewing
Tingle’s Take – Redacted in the Butt by Redacted
17 Photos…One is (kinda) from Mars
RIP Grand Master Gene Wolfe more Gene Tribute
Disastrous Decline of Author’s Earnings – not just Amazon’s fault (but they helped)
Inter-generational Warfare (at least among authors and readers) is a “fool’s errand” states Gerrold
Lawrence M. Schoen to be GoH at Beijing Convention
Daniel M. Kimmel’s Brand of SF Humor Featured in Newspaper Article
China’s Future Affairs Division Announces APSFCon
Blah Blah Clueless Mainstream Writers Diss SF Once Again, blah, blah, blah and more. Read the comments on this piece
MMO playing fast and loose with copyright…and its fans
We’re NOT Living in a Simulation (say scientists who conducted their experiments from within the simulation…)
First Political Speech from the Ocean’s Depths – a plea to save the oceans
You’re Breathing Microplastics
Buy A T. Rex On Ebay? Yes, you can