Worldcon76’s Plan and Recommendations for Protests Scheduled for Saturday (attendees, pay heed)
Spider Robinson’s Road Trip to Worldcon Travelogue
How Fandom Helped Spark the Gay Rights Movement
Diversity Debate Really Comes Home to 94% White New Hampshire
Verify your voter registration and polling place
Face Tattoos Going Mainstream (next thing you know, kids will be wearing their underwear on the outside!)
What Assisted Suicide Looks Like
Tea Party Conservatives Planning Constitutional Convention
There is no Wall Between Scientology and the Writers of the Future Contest More and More
Wonkette Takes on the Federalist and reminds everyone how superheros used to treat Nazis
Wonderbread Woman Clever Cosplay
Monster vs Robot: Time for Less Civil Debate (and bonus! Part 2!)
Never Read SF Before? (What’s wrong with you?) Try one of these
Not sure if this is art or a clever excuse for not reading
Air Force Fails to Acknowledge Meteor Strike…just like it failed to acknowledge all of those UFOs…
Strong Female Characters Examines Solo
Is Cold War SciFi Going to Become Popular Again (not if its called “scifi”)
Behind the Scenes of Thunderbirds and Stingray
The Idea of “Space Force” sucks, so why shouldn’t its logos?
Out Takes from Forrest Ackerman Interview (Elron stuff)
Astounding’s Rights Policies Are Why You Never Saw This Cover
Mature Themes in SF and Fantasy Games
Stan Lee No Longer Doing Public Signings
The Five Most Common Mistakes that slow down narrative
More From Drax on James Gunn’s Firing
SF, Sci Fi, Science Fiction (and no, Campbell did not create the name)
Several People Got Schedule Notices from Worldcon and They Aren’t Attending
Tips for Creating Fictional Worlds
What? Now We’re Comparing How Awful Dystopias Are?
2007 WSFS Business Meeting Video
Short Term Thinking is the Bane of the Future
Older Than Old White Male Convention Attendees (and Older Than the Earth)
Better Than Strange Wine? Strange Metals
Rosettta Imagery Now Available
Earth Heading for a Hothouse State
North Korea and Iran are bad enough, but now we’re going to declare war on another solar system?
TESS Scope Sees Comets and Asteroids
Space Guts: What does being in space do to your digestive system?
No Disassemble! Robots Play on Empathy
Parker’s Theories Were Scoffed At. Now He Has a Probe Named For Him
Video Tour of the Russian Modules of the ISS
Pondering the Meaning of an Empty Universe
Another Mega-shark’s teeth found
With a bang AND a whimper: Sexbots May Be Depopulating Japan (brilliant. don’t go on a Terminator killing spree…just kill us with orgasms)
More Clues that a Trappist Planet Could Harbor Life
Lost Moons of the Solar System
The Wall at the Edge of the Solar System
Welcome to the Abiogenisis Zone: Two planets in both Goldilocks and Abiogenisis zones discovered
We May Discover Life on Mars within Three Years
AMAZING NEWS with curations by Contributing News Editor Ruby Kapture.
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