BBT Leads Take Pay Cut So Female C-Stars Can Get Raises
Record Breaking Number of Black Stars Get Oscars
Toys Monitoring Kids Over the Internet
Women of NASA Lego Set Approved
Mansplaining Explained With Pictures (So men might get it…)
Trump on Meeting With Putin…or Not Meeting with Putin
Biology Teacher Stomps on Transphobe Arguments
Gimme Some of That Old Time Buck Rogers Stuff
That sure does look like a prototype of Wallace to me (Wallace and Gromit)
Young People Read Old Joanna Russ
StarShipSofa Anthology Reaching Stretch Goals…Say Hello to Chip!
100 Writers of African SF Interview Series
New Releases: Aqueduct Press releases Boundaries, Border Crossings and Reinventing the Future
That Quokka pic was so adorable, I had to include the whole thing here: