Note:  Mike Glyer has been sick and has not posted new material for several days this past week.  Wishing you good health, Mike!


Outrage Greets 2016 World Fantasy Con Program

Darrell Schweitzer released the program for the 2016 World Fantasy Convention and promptly came under a hail of criticism from writers. Much of it was directed at a program title found to be offensive – “Spicy Oriental Zeppelin Stories.” During … 
Wilburn and Joss Awarded SLF Older Writers Grants

Career counselor Debra Wilburn and Oregon writer Sharon Joss have received 2016 Older Writers Grants from the Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF). The $500 awards support any purpose that the recipients choose to benefit their work. The Speculative Literature Foundation created

Sasquan Financial Report

The latest update to the MidAmeriCon II Business Meeting Agenda includes the financial report from Sasquan, the 2015 Worldcon. (See pages 22-33.) SUMMARY Total Income $1,269,690.24 Total Expense ($1,089,320.76) Net Surplus $180,369.48 The expenses include discretionary reimbursements for program participant …
Sarah Kuhn’s Heroine Complex

By Carl Slaughter: Betsy Wollheim has a gift for discovering new talent. HEROINE COMPLEX by Sarah Kuhn The first in a DAW series on Asian-American superheroines. Being a superheroine is hard. Working for one is even harder. Evie Tanaka is …
Pixel Scroll 8/1/16 If You Like It, Put A Ringworld On It

(1) TODAY’S BIRTHDAY BOOK. George R.R. Martin looks back on “The Long Game… of Thrones”, which came out 20 years ago today. …Reviews were generally good, sales were… well, okay. Solid. But nothing spectacular. No bestseller lists, certainly. I went …
By Hampus Eckerman: For each pair, vote for the top cult movie. Vote for what is rememoralizable, what is fun, what is interesting, what is cult. You will have at least 24 hours to answer, but after that it depends … Cult Movie Bracket: The Final Final!
 Updated MidAmeriCon II Business Meeting Agenda

Jared Dashoff, MidAmeriCon II business meeting chair, has released a new version of the agenda, including Lisa Hayes’ motion, 3SV and its various parts, and EPH+. Download the PDF file from the MACII website. There’s Business Passed on to MidAmeriCon II …
July’s most-read Pixel Scroll got that way with help from everyone who wanted to argue about #GamerGate, plus a side helping of comments from people who’d taken that online vocabulary test Vox Day cited as evidence of his intelligence. The leading non-Scroll post reported …
Lou Anders’ Thrones and Bones Series

By Carl Slaughter: Lou Anders started as a Star Trek/Babylon 5 journalist. He wrote over 500 magazine articles. This was followed by the book, The Making of Star Trek: First Contact. Over a period of 10 years, he forged Pyr …
Pixel Scroll 7/31/16 O You Who Turn The Wheel And Look To Scrollward, Consider Pixel, Who Was Once Handsome And Tall As You

(1) IT IS THE END MY FRIEND. My daughter went to the midnight Cursed Child book launch at her local store. She’d keep buying Potter novels if Rowling would keep writing them, but that is not in the works — “J.K. …
 Vegas Tributes For Joyce Worley Katz

By Jacq Monahan & John Wesley Hardin: Joyce Worley Katz , High Priestess of fandom, fanzine fan, beloved wife and friend, died peacefully on July 30, 2016 after complications from a stroke. The co-chair of 1969’s St. Louiscon was a …
By Hampus Eckerman: For each pair, vote for the top cult movie. Vote for what is memorable, what is fun, what is interesting, what is cult. You will have at least 24 hours to answer, but after that it depends …
Joyce Katz (1939-2016)

Joyce [Worley Fisher] Katz died July 30, succumbing to an array of serious medical problems that followed a stroke in May. She’s survived by her husband of 45 years, Arnie Katz. She spent the past 25 years, after she and Arnie …
By Carl Slaughter: Malcolm Cross does military science fiction. He also gets pirated. His novel Extinction Biome: Invasion, co-authored with Anne Tibbets and published under the house name Addison Gunn), was released in five eBook novellas earlier in 2016, culminating in …
Pixel Scroll 7/30/16 Two Pixels Diverged In A Scroll, And I – I Took The One That Had The Most Bacon

(1) ALWAYS TO CALL IT RESEARCH. An appeals court affirmed that Luc Besson’s Lockout plagiarized John Carpenter’s Escape From New York. The French filmmaker will have to fork over nearly half a million dollars An appeals court has ruled that …
The Heinlein Society announced on Robert Heinlein’s 109th birthday, July 7, the winners of its three annual $1,000 undergraduate scholarships: Elias Anderson, Carson Butler, and Charles Hanson. Elias Anderson is a repeat winner from 2015; the first ever multi-year winner. …
Harlan Ellison, Frequent Jeopardy! Flyer

It’s reliably reported on Harlan Ellison’s forum that he was featured as a Jeopardy! game show answer on July 21. According to Brian Phillips it was an answer worth $2,000: The answer was something along the lines of, “An evil supercomputer …
Just A Few More Hours To Vote on Hugos

Time is running out to vote online or make last-minute changes to your Hugo ballot. Hugo Voting Closes Sunday July 31 at 11:59 PM PDT The voting page for the 2016 Hugo Awards. The voting page for the 1941 Retro …
By Carl Slaughter: Alex Shvartsman is a busy guy. He’s been editing so many anthologies, his writing for such magazines as Mike Resnick’s Galaxy’s Edge has been on hold. He’s still cranking out the Unidentified Funny Objects series. UFO #5 goes to …
Stay Crazy

By Carl Slaughter: Erica Satfika’s Philip K. Dick-inspired debut novel is out next month. The art and jacket copy are ready. Preliminary reviews on Goodreads are mostly 5 star. I have to say, the plot is refreshingly different. Interesting cover …
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