
Fallout used to mean microscopic (and macroscopic) bits of matter – highly radioactive – that would rain down on the earth following the detonation of a nuclear weapon.

These days I guess it means annoying BS spewed into the atmosphere by people who can’t handle their lives in an adult manner and have to resort to – annoying online BS.

I and Amazing Stories are experiencing enough fallout at this point in time for it to be worth a mention.  I’m completely guessing (no links to NORAD here) that its source is puppy-related, but it could be nothing more than script-kiddies and/or kindergarten games.

At the present time, the website is undergoing unceasing spam attacks that express themselves in a variety of different ways.

I’ve been targeted by someone who has apparently done a lot of data mining on the subject of Steve Davidson, and would apparently like to share various computer viruses with me.

And now I’m being told by a blogger that if I don’t accede to their demands, they’re going to publish incorrect information about the Gernsback Writing Contest on their blog.  (They had some confusion over the blog post titled The Rules.  The information in that blog post, while accurate, was not self-explanatory in all cases – which is why it was supplemented – as planned – with a formal Gernsback Writing Contest Page on the website, replicating the exact same information that was provided in our press releases.)

The full and complete information about the contest can be found here.  If someone suggests to you that the Gernsback Writing Contest is not paying for all of the winning stories, that someone has not read the Contest Page.  Here it is in black and white:

1st thru 3rd get PRIZE MONEY of 6 cents per word, while 1st thru 10th get paid 6 cents per word for electronic publication on the website and inclusion in an anthology.

In case you are logic-challenged, that translates to 12 cents per word for 1st thru 3rd and 6 cents a word for 4th thru 10th places.

I seem to remember that my Civil Defense handy-dandy Nuclear Armageddon DIY Shelter pamphlet mentioned that something like 8 feet of newsprint was sufficient shielding to protect from the effects of nuclear fallout (doesn’t do a damned thing for the chemicals and biologicals btw).  Would that it were so easy to protect against internet fallout.

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