Two Amazing Things

On the Brianna Wu front:  I received word from Frank Wu the other day that they were going to be establishing a “legal defense fund” for Brianna and others who have been libeled, slandered and threatened over the GameGate ruckus.  I note that word of the fund has been published on File 770, linking to Brianna’s Tumblr with a bit more information here.

I WILL BE DONATING TO THIS FUND in the name of Amazing Stories.

(I will also be keeping my eye out for lawerly types who might want to throw in some Pro Bono assistance in the name of a good cause.)




In other, entirely unrelated (but almost as disturbing) news, Wired today has published an indictment of the “Space Tourism” efforts of Sir Richard Branson and others – Space Tourism Isn’t Worth Dying For by Adam Rogers – in the immediate wake of the crash of Spaceship 2 that killed one pilot and seriously injured another.

Today, with people grieving over their loss, is simply not the right time to inaccurately criticize Virgin Galactic’s efforts.

If one believes in conspiracy theories, it would be easy to take the coincidence of Virgin Galactic’s disaster, the explosion of the Orbital Science’s Regulus rocket a few days earlier and now this HIT piece as a sure sign that some external force is stepping on the toes of the private development of orbital and space resources.

Mr. Rogers:  as numerous people have amply pointed out in the comments on your piece, the technologies, skills and resources being developed by Rutan, Virgin Galactic, Orbital Sciences, SpaceX, Bigelow Aerospace, Planetary Resources and others may have a flashy public face, designed to keep people interested and excited about these programs, but the work behind the scenes is deadly serious;  what is learned during these developmental phases – at private expense – will serve to make space flight less expensive, less dangerous, more efficient and will have a direct bearing on both government and military -based programs.  They are not to be dismissed as misguided propaganda in service of a space roller coaster.

You, Mr. Rogers Sir, should never be allowed to go into space.  If I need to be any clearer:  it isn’t Space Tourism that’s worth dying for, it’s the future of mankind in space that IS worth dying for!  Though we certainly hope that no others will die or be injured in pursuit of this dream, it is a worthy cause that is well worth those risks,

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